auto-laps, manual laps vs. Strava
Known to be fixed thanks @steenhans !!!
Hey @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos - that’s good to hear! Thank you very much for your feedback! Christian
Hi @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos ,
just saw on Strava that laps are available in your profile.
Are you using the last app version or some other version? Maybe I missed something, but currently I do not have any laps anymore (using 1.4.0 6495).
Any idea when the mentioned fix should be released?
Thank you very much, Christian -
@steenhans I had no laps. These are coming from Strava. Fix is due this week
This applies also to android users? Because we have no manual laps in SA as of now.
It would be strange if Strava had this before the official app, but cannot complain… -
Perfect! Again - Thank you very much for your helpful feedback
Christian -
@Yannis-Belouris yes will have it before. Data are just not displayed for suunto app
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos OMG!!!
Data is there, it is synchronized with Strava, but SA cannot show it … -
@suzzlo yup
Hi @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos,
now using the latest beta-built (6553). Can you confirm that there are still no laps to see in Strava (Actually for me this is more important than to see them in the SuuntoApp)? I just want to be sure that I am not missing something.
Thanks a lot!
Christian -
@steenhans not yet. that is correct
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos - you are really super-fast
No problem, I am patient! Thanks a lot and happy running!
Can you check if this is fixed? (Should be)
Actually I thought that it is totally broken now (no HR either anymore, guess it was after the Spartan firmware update). I will do a run later and use the app to sync with Strava.
Cheers, Christian -
@steenhans known about the HR I mentioned it on another post. We started to send IBI data (RR) when a belt is used so that partners could provide HRV analysis. Well Strava does not like that.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos And do you know why there is a totally wrong pace in Pace analysis on Strava? I mean it seems correct everywhere else, even GAP is correct in Pace analysis. So what is going on there?:)
Also in the FAQ of the app.
Tag your move as a race if you don’t want this.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Ok, thanks. But I am still not sure why it is like that, it hadn’t happened with MC. It doesn’t bother me that much I just don’t know whether it’s SA or Strava issue or what they do with pace in Pace Analysis - why it’s different than pace Overview and how it can show the pace 9:29:28/km (does it mean 9 hours?
@Zdeněk-Hruška that pace does not look ok. Can I have a link?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I hope you can see it
It really starts with manual laps. And one more thing - Those first two laps - I didn’t marked them and no auto-laps were there. I can’ t see it in MovesCount or TrainingPeaks, just in Strava synced via SuuntoApp