[Android] Sharing a Picture can now have customised fields
@peringmar just tap on the stats …
@peringmar and make sure you are on latest beta
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos nothing happens when I press these
@peringmar Oh it’s still not out for iOS. Sorry my bad I though that version was pushed. Next week ios
@peringmar I corrected the post
@peringmar I am so sorry
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos no problem
no dessert for you @peringmar
In case of panoramic landscape (Yes I know … I never do normal stuff
) the clickable area is really small, maybe should be enlarged to the top of the picture, as it’s hard to find the G spot
Then once “shared” the image is cropped. I’m ok with that and it makes sense, but is it done intentionally ?
@sartoric Wow!!!
More to come on this
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Good!!!
Some more ideas:
- Add route profile
- Add Start/Finish
- Show Workout title
Other idea can be shared reports:
I use velographic for android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.marcb.velographic)
@suzzlo are you on to something ?
Some little problem when I change some of the fields
Changed pace:
Font is getting bigger?
@suzzlo do you use a default font ?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos default font of Android 8.1
Just configured to use small font