Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019
Survey completed.
Yea baby! Get this out there and I can dump Movescount.
Glad this is at least being considered. And hope it makes the cut and that it shows up soon.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I know this is an app forum. But it’d also be nice to be able to add a poi on the watch beyond just the current location. I.e. start the add screen from the current location and let the user scroll the lat/long up and down before saving. The Ambit3 and prior allowed for this. Very nice when no cell coverage. I can use a paper map or offline map software to get the coordinates and then add them on the watch directly.
What would you all use the personal heat map feature for? It’s neat, and I like the idea, but I’m not sure how I would actually use that in my day-to-day. How do you envision yourself using? I would be interested to see what the use case is, maybe I am missing something!
@Jessica-Monk said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
What would you all use the personal heat map feature for? It’s neat, and I like the idea, but I’m not sure how I would actually use that in my day-to-day. How do you envision yourself using? I would be interested to see what the use case is, maybe I am missing something!
Funny. I put almost that exact comment in the survey. Interested to know if I’m missing the boat or if there are folks that would find that useful. It’s neat, but not sure I see an overly useful purpose for it…
Done. POI management is the one feature that could keep me calm, cool, and collected while all this Movescount/SA stuff gets worked out. At the moment, I’ve had such heartburn of the fact that something so basic has been left out. I’m really happy to see they are considering this feature and I hope that it gets here before next ski season, as that’s when I use POIs the most.
@Jessica-Monk I use it a lot (on the Android version, it’s kinda already available under the profile) to search for a run. I don’t always remember when, or the title I gave to a run, but I defintely always remember in which region of the globe it was…
@Jessica-Monk said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
What would you all use the personal heat map feature for?
I would want to see it a bit different setup as suggested from Suunto IF they implement it anyway…
But I also gave the feedback that there are more important things for the users than personal heatmaps.
For me it would be just interesting to actually see on the map where I’ve been. Of course I normally know where I was… but it is like sticking pins into the big world map at your livingrooms wall…
As said, nice to have but not desperately requested by me -
@jorgefd78 said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
about heartmaps I have an idea: while navigating in the app the user has the possibility to search for a random route: “I want to run in this zone for 10 km a 500+” The app will search for routes and offer to the user
would be great!
Good idea, what about a ‘simple’ filter? Something like
Show routes as follws- only for running (etc) or for running and … (etc)
- longer than … shorter than
- in the area displayed .
@TELE-HO already / still available in android app:
Profile image => three dots in the upper right corner => map … voila … and I absolutely love this feature! -
@Shrek3k Yes, It’s actually there
In the survey I have added to comments the posibility of filter by date/activity type/… and switch between My Activities/Others activities.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
@Bulkan I read that it should work and perhaps you can play with the dark theme there as I read.
SA works great with iOS13 - but unfortunately has no darkmode
like QS
@Armin-S I read you coluld enforce it
@Shrek3k said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
already / still available in android app
that’s new to me
looks like SA has a lot of hidden features
what I was talking about is having tracks instead of dots only… a startpoint only is ok but showing the tracks would be nicer… but as said… I would survive without that
Something like that ? -
@TELE-HO said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
@Shrek3k said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
already / still available in android app
that’s new to me
looks like SA has a lot of hidden features
what I was talking about is having tracks instead of dots only… a startpoint only is ok but showing the tracks would be nicer… but as said… I would survive without that
You’ve got it
… zoom into the map, tap on one of your dots … and there is the track (no need to zoom in if you ran or cycled a loooong way
@Mff73 said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
Something like that ?’s what I’m talking about
Not sure my comments in the survey captured my thoughts. The creation of POI is useful but the personal heatmap much less so. I know where I have been - I am more interested in where others have been but much, much more important is to be able to create routes that include waypoints (like MC).
@TELE-HO i think what you mean is similar to searching routes or moves in movescount in map view. you see the “moves” or the “routes” of other people. did i understand it right?
almost… i would like to see this as only my tracks… but all of them. I have a lot of same start points but different tracks the. When there are 50 start points right in front of my appartment I still don’t see all the tracks at once that I rode with the bike as an example… or sometimes you have the same startpoint for couple of different skitours… as said, I don’t need this to survive, but if it’s almost there suunto can take the last step and let us toggle to show all the track at one glance… -
@General_Witt said in Suunto app UX/UI survey 27 June 2019:
The most important thing for me is that POI should be visible while doing an activity on the route watchface, to have the possibility to divert from the planned track and drink some water from a known spring or to take shelter in known locations in case of need.
If POi are only reachable from the navigation menu it means that an user should stop the activity to use them.You don’t need to stop the move/activity … simply long press the middle button and the options show up, scroll down to Navigation and chose POIs/Routs/Breadcrumb/Off.
So if you are bound to syncing just with the SA, you can only create POIs on the watch when on location for later use. If you are still on MC, then you can import them with routes or create them on the map and sync with the watch. -
This June 27th survey shows us POI proposal, and you are now talking about waypoint not there.
The last survey (9 days ago) shows us waypoint proposal, and in this one, people are debating about POI.
Conclusion : we may have soon, both feature