Spartan Sport WHR Baro - GPS Accuracy "OK" - fix rate
Yes, but he say it was set to OK
I guess I’ve never tried “OK” just “GOOD” and it correctly records every 1sOut of curiosity, is there any way to search moves (MC or SA) based on GPS setting ?
Correct, @sartoric . It was set to OK. I am using GOOD only on my long rides on bike. For hiking, I am always using OK.
@zadow oh!
Then I have to test it once. Anyone else up to the task?
Gonna try a fake walking move
Oh wait! wait wait wait.
The first 7-12 mins are on best to determine the fused alti!
Yes I crosschecked the file. Skip some samples at start and then its about 60s
Sorry guys, coming back a bit late. Trying to recovery a bit from my yesterday’s triathlon
Well, maybe I am missing something or I am not reading the file correctly, but still I see GPS change every 3-5 seconds. I checked different parts of file.
Could be the reason that I am reading GPS export from Strava? Fit file is in binary format.
Anyway, still, if the GPS accuracy in OK mode, is really as good as I can see it in my hiking activities, then it is impressively good.I am going off for next two weeks, so no hurry on this topic. Thanks and enjoy the summer time!
Strava does its sh…magicwith data during the import
@zadow It can be that reason. You can upload a fit file to to get a detailed decode for example.
@zadow Or ask me for the data, or a way to show you how to do this on
I am back after some time. Recovering after last triathlon race and enjoying time with my family. It’s a great summer, by the way
I hope you all have also nice time, whatever you are doingHowever, I need to get back to this issue as I still think that there is a issue with GPS accuracy set to OK. I was on three days long hike. First day morning I set my SSWHR Baro as following:
GPS accuracy - OK
Low color mode - ON
Display - OFF (after 10 sec)
Navigation - OFF (completely, even the breadcrumb display was off)I was observing the GPS accuracy, which is not so important for me during hiking, but far more important - battery lifetime.
Here are my issues:
#1 - GPS accuracy - it’s just too good for OK mode. The fix is definitely not done each 60 seconds. According to my observation it is somewhere between 5 ~ 20 seconds. (yep, I am aware of first 15 minutes when FusedAlti should kick in).#2 - Battery drain - I guess this is connected with #1. According to Tech. specification, with GPS set to OK, the battery should last up to 40hrs. My hikes tooks approximately 6 ~ 7 hours. (Day #1 and day #2). The battery drain was from 60% ~ 70% percent, which is consumption about 10% per hour. Simple calculation tell us that with such consumption, battery would last about 10 hours. Hey, wait - 10 hours is expected at GPS set to BEST…
So, I did some activities with different GPS setting to see battery consumption for each Power saving mode:
BEST - cca 10% ~ 12% per hour
Good - cca 5% ~ 7% per hour
OK -cca cca 8% ~ 10% per hourThat is pretty strange, isn’t it? Consumption for mode OK is worse than for Good…
I wanted to create a ticket for this but somehow could not find a link where to report it.
For your reference, link to my activities:
Hiking Day#1: Day #2: Day #3:
Please do not advice me to go for S9 when I am so focused on battery life. I am not and I am pretty happy with my Sport Baro. It does everything what I need and it does it perfectly. Once the OK mode is solved, it’s still the best watches for all my needs. I just wanted to mention this upfront -
@zadow Did you use navigation? What file is with the OK mode? Did you use any ETA custom fields?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Spartan Sport WHR Baro - GPS Accuracy "OK" - fix rate:
@zadow Did you use navigation? What file is with the OK mode?
Hi Dimi,
No, Navigation was completely OFF. Even the Navigation display was off, not even breadcrumb mode. All three days was tracked with GPS set to OK. I did not change it. and I was not even changing it during the hiking. Mode OK all the time. -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Spartan Sport WHR Baro - GPS Accuracy "OK" - fix rate:
Did you use any ETA custom fields?
Hmmm… you are asking - Did you use any ETA custom fields? - so yes, if I remember correctly, my custom Hiking mode contains ETA fields, just for case that I would need navigation.
But still, navigation was completely off. IMHO, ETA field should not affect GPS accuracy, when navigation is off. If so, than it is clearly pointing to a bug in firmware…no? -
@zadow Ok cool. Which link is with Ok mode?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Spartan Sport WHR Baro - GPS Accuracy "OK" - fix rate:
Which link is with Ok mode?
All three
But take Day #2 and Day #3
Day #1 contains a huge pause when we were sitting and eating in a Hut and I was also playing with wathces and setting a bit. So the last two days (#2 and #3) are best for any troubleshooting, I would say
Thank you and have a nice day!
From a quick look it does not look like OK mode. SAmples are every ~1-5s
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Exactly. And that is what I am referring to. I am more than 100% sure that GPS accuracy was set to OK. I checked that many times during tracking as I was noticing quick battery drain.
I noticed this problem some time ago, I tried soft reset and then again, set it to OK. Still logging frequency is too high and definitely not 60 seconds. And that is the reason why I wanted to report is as a bug. I am not sure what more I should try to fix it, from the user perspective. -
I am not sure now as well.
I need one more confirmation from you.
a) USe the same profile / settings and do a little walk more than 15minutes
b) use a default sport mode eg walking with the OK setting and do a walk of more than 15minsPost here the results.
I might be able to create a case then