What do you love about the Suunto app?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in What do you love about the Suunto app?:
This is a very simple thread and you only have to post / comment on what you like/love about the Suunto app.
You know it will never go as you would … don’t you ?
It syncs with my watch reliably (although I’d prefer an option to sync only on demand and not run in the background).
Route editor is fairly good for a mobile application running on a small phone screen.
Sorry, can’t think of any other positives. I’d rather continue to use MC web for anything beyond the two features above plus some quick configuration tasks.
Would say background sync. Love that the exercise is already there when I pick up my phone.
- offline sync
- route planning
- sync on the go
- heart rate zones
the map view with alti, HR and speed graph is better than I thought by the first sight.
the app in general is pretty useful
(even I miss a stack of things and some things I would do different, but that’s not the question) -
- Clean and smooth interface
- Reliable sync and notifications
- Activity summaries
- Activity comparison
- Frequent app updates
- Route planning
- Heatmaps
- Sport mode customization (altough a lot can be improved on this point)
- Heatmaps by any kind of sport. Nobody have this.
- Clean UX.
- Offline sync.
- Reports by month, week, year very easy.
- The autocomplete comments when I do intervals.
- Social but not oriented to.
- Route planing, I use it so much that I need a way to sort off or filter.
- Report by intervals and autolap.
- Epoc.
- Native support of power in running.
Route planning by far the coolest thing!
Route planning, fast sync, powerful search activities, sports mode custom and the general look and feel
@jean-william-cousin sport mode customization is pretty slick!
Funny how a while ago a lot of people claimed that route planning on a mobile screen was impossible and now i see a lot of positive votes
- Clean interface;
- Route planning;
- Laps info;
- Sync.
it works surprisingly well… but in my first steps testing the routeplanning I had to undo sometimes as I was lazy zooming in and out and picked the wrong trail (also because of the trail/road issue…).
I would not want to miss the mobile routeplanning, as it is really really useful on the go. however, when I am at a desktop, routeplanning could be done a lot easier and quicker.
(sorry, dimitrios, to mention this here again) -
- White theme
- Background sync: really works well
- Route planner
- Sports Customization
- 3rd Party synchronization (Runalyze, Training Peaks…)
- ‘Day view’ day steps + calories + sleep ( could be absolute fantastic if there where sleep trend)
- User profile map: see all my workouts all around the world (now it is not working, but I love it)
- White theme
- Reliable background sync
- Fast sync compared to MC App and roughly on par with cable sync
Nothing else I really enjoy or like about it, all negatives from here on and this is not the place for it.
SSU + Android beta app just for reference purposes.
Mobile route planner, although it still lacks few important features, but I hope suunto will improve it. Still I’ll probably use it with my a3p (when and if SA supports my watch) only if I have no access to my pc. Taking a wrong path can put you in real danger in mountains in my country. We still have mine fields unfortunately.
@surfboomerang said in What do you love about the Suunto app?:
Funny how a while ago a lot of people claimed that route planning on a mobile screen was impossible and now i see a lot of positive votes
It isn’t great compared to the desktop version, but a lot better than anything I’ve seen from other mobile apps. For example, route planning on Garmin Connect mobile app is just horrible in comparison - completely unusable.
Still, I don’t use SA route planner for my watch because that would disable MC sync. It is quite bad that we have a dilemma - either use some features from from SA or some other features from MC, but not both at the same time.
- Fast sync
- Interval lap view
- fast sync to Strava (yes !), Runalyze
- Route planner (love to have it working offline)
- Sport modes customization.
- Reliable and fast sync (instant, in the background, all synced before I even get my post-workout coffee!)
- Route planner (like but not love, could be better but nice it’s there), I don’t use it a lot, only in the emergency but it does work, it’s in the app, that’s a good thing.
- Summaries with filtering. I use it a lot and I like I can filter out workouts based on the description (for example, I can check how many times I visited a particular climbing gym this year as it’s a part of description )
- Custom sports modes, easy and quick setup, syncs quickly (although, why not add the ability to name them, what are “Other” modes? )
- Upload of GPX routes, With apps like Komoot or AllTrails I can export GPX files and instantly get them on the watch (with Movescount that one thing was a bit of a chore without access to the PC)
- Clear and readable interface, easy to use. I don’t have a feeling I fight the app when using it.
- Uploading photos and videos into the recorded sport. I know it’s more a social media thing but I have a different use for it. That’s in fact became useful in rock climbing when I wanted to add more details about routes and problems I have climbed. Especially, if I take on the competition walls (would be nice to have a timeline so I could see when exactly I took a photo or shoot video, this would be useful with outdoor climbing so I can pinpoint the crags in space)
To be honest, as the owner of SSSWHRBaro, I don’t have connectivity and syncing problems. All works quick and out of the box and the app development gained quite a steady pace, not much to complain assuming waiting patiently for things to roll out. It always could be more (POIs) but I believe things will eventually happen.
The summaries with filter are so good!
- iOS ability to open a GPX and have it import to routes
- Videos on activities (not just images)
- Adding stats to images when sharing or downloading
- Custom modes to watch from app
- Route trends - for same route shows histogram of pace