Altitude bug?
@Egika FusedAlti does exactly what you said, but also will all the time correct the diff.
So if the “offset” is applied and later on Baro/Alti get out of sync (eg water etc) then it will slowly during the normal operation base more to GPS etc. It works like a Kalman filter -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yeah, that’s what I expected
now it still does not explain a changing altitude in the graph and at the same time 0 ascent/descent in the stats of the S7… -
@Egika No for sure it doesn’t. I did look to it and found no logical explenation.
However, santa should boost you up S7 guys sooner or later
so lets first all align (my S7 sw with yours). Oh I hope this make a tiny sense
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yeah - makes sense
now waiting excitedly…
@Egika I had a similar observation with SSWHRB for running, it occurred once only.
@vr2udt that’s normal. No ascent or descent more than 3 meters in 12 minutes
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Thank you
did you have long sleeves or something that could rub with the barometric sensor?
Is it a problem you have in every activity? -
@Saketo-Nemo Nothing rubbed the sensor. Yes, I have problem in every activity.
Here’s the test. The first 10 minutes I had watch on my wrist (indoor) and the next 20 minutes the watch was on the table. -
link doesn’t works for me -
@Krzysztof-Gąsior I see the issue there. Looks like pressure leak. Try to let it on the table, and see if it fluctuates. Then take on hand, wear it and see if it changes. (altitude).
If yes , ask for replacement unfortunately