Random reboots of the Suunto 7 during recording an activity
@olymay i think you have sealed the deal with me. I was looking at the Suunto 7. With poor support I won’t be buying their watch. Working in tech industry a simple update that they are delayed but no contact is not on.
Bugs and poor battery life with crap.support…no thanks
@alex-kennedy and that is the message you registered your account here for?
Thank you for letting us know - I just don’t get of what added value this posting is… -
@alex-kennedy hi alex. Can you elaborate? Not all users have this specific issue and the support is well
Since you don’t have the watch I assume, and I would assume you have not contacted support, what’s the issue here exactly ?
@alex-kennedy please don’t let me put you off. The Suunto 7 is an outstanding watch and as long as they can rectify this issue (which as already mentioned is not widespread) then I will once again be extremely happy with it.
Poor battery life - maybe to a fitness watch when used as a smartwatch, but compared to most other true smartwatches i.e. wear os/iOS and even latest Tizen its battery life is as good if not better.
In terms of continuous GPS tracking, unless you are talking about the sort of ultra fitness watches like Baro9, Fenix, 945 etc it seems to fare quite comparably - especially against other like fitness watches with touchscreens like Garmin Venu etc - got very similar battery life while tracking. And these watches do not have the same level of connectivity or screen as the suunto 7 (all power hungry activities).
If you can’t live with that then would consider that a true smartwatch isn’t for you.Poor support - maybe, but then maybe not when you consider how regularly they are updating and how many feature updates there are. Currently seems that there are only a couple with the tracking/crashing issue - I suspect the percentage is small, and I agree it does need to be fixed, and we have advised that it will be. I don’t know how regularly other smartwatches/fitness watches are updated, but considering that since I got this watch Suunto have done two major updates and google is regularly updating, got to give them kudos on that.
only bug issue relating to suunto is this crashing, which most of us don’t seem to have. There seem to be 2/3 users with this issue?
Google assistant - latest update from google seems to have this working better than ever - much better than any other wear os update. Even managed to get it to add a calendar event - note sure it could that prior to recent update. -
Considering that so few people have this issue, and that sometimes a changed setting and or a reset/restart fixes the issue, I can’t help thinking it a setting or related to another app (its potentially possible it may be a bad firmware update - not sure how one clears and resets firmware).Have you downloaded any 3rd party apps - if so which ones (I downloaded a GPS one the other day and it prevented my suunto app from getting a gps fix - had to uninstall and reboot the watch to fix it). Its possible that a app may be causing the suunto app to crash.
Have you checked the premissions settings for the suunto app on the watch and all permissions are given?
What google fit settings do you have? If any app is likely to cause a clash and crash while tracking I would think it might be this one.
@Jamie-BG Thanks, some really great ideas in there. Sadly, they are all ideas I have had myself and have tried to work around.
I have tried all power saving related settings, from all powersve off, to all powersave on, and everything in between.
I the only extra apps I had installed were Google apps (Messages, Maps, and Play Music). I have done so many factory resets now (well into the 20’s!!!) and have been running the watch vanilla the last few times, with no extra apps added at all.
All permissions are given in the watch.
My Google Fit settings are the same they have always been since I had the watch - background HR on, location on, track physical activity on, use body sensors on.
It only started happening after the recent software update.
So, the saga continues!!!
I went for a run today, after factory resetting the watch, and all started fine. The watch went into it powersave display and all looked good. I was happy.
But I was doing a new route, and I wanted to check where I should turn off, so I switched to the map display. All was good, it showed me where to turn off, which I did. I then put the watch back to the default data screen so I could monitor my pace.
This is where things took a dark turn…
About 30 seconds (or so, ish) after I went back to the default data screen, my watch buzzed angrily on my wrist and went to the default clock face.
I pressed the top right button, the Suunto Wear App opened on the default data screen and looked to still be tracking.
It then buzzed and and returned to the clock face. This repeated a few times until I got bored.At the end of my run I was able to relaunch the Suunto Wear App and stop the activity and luckily it had continued to track in the background.
I have tested it since being home, and it does this crazy reboot/crash after 23 seconds, like clockwork, every single time. Looks like yet again I have to factory reset the watch.
I now have to factory reset the watch at least one a day!!
This is not what I expected when I spent £400 on a fitness smartwatch. Sunnto needs to fix this or I will be sending it back.
Another small update.
As stated previously, I have tried multiple combinations of settings. One of which was turn off the ‘power saver tilt’ option for the AOD.
I have just been fiddling around with settings again and this ‘power saver tilt’ option was ON! I definitely turned it off. So I turn it on again, return the watch face, aaaaand… power saver tilt is back on!!! No matter how many times I turn this off, it turns itself back on again!!
I have no idea if this has anything to do with the main problems I am having with the watch, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Does anyone know a way to turn it off permanently please? I like it on, but it’s not a deal breaker, and I would like to try a run with it off (properly off!).
@olymay yes. ITs a known issue fixed on the next SW to hit you guys till the “crash” issue also is validated. I cannot promise when but it’s a known issue internally.
To make sure the setting is remembered, changed the setting, reboot the watch, validate the setting is ok then launch Suunto wear app. Close the app, the setting should be what you asked for. Reason is that the Suunto wear app reads the setting only once after reboot.
@olymay I completely understand your frustration. I dont know what to advice but I assure you the issue is well known.
I’m new to this forum but maybe this is the right place.
I have similar problems but mostly it shows itself in way that device hops to the home screen.
Once in a while screen stays black and device reboots.
I recorded a video from yesterdays walk:Is this problem also addressed and I simply have to wait and enjoy my ‘costly notification device’ until fix update is released?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Thank you for acknowledging it is a known issue (unlike the people I speak to on the phone who tell me each time it the first reported instance of this issue).
I really hope this gets resolved very soon. I honestly do love my Suunto 7, but I really am running out of patience with it
I will try your suggestion for the power saver tilt later today once I have gone through my daily factory reset.
@Veli-Prehti This is exactly what is happening to mine. Suunto have acknowledged the issue and are working on a fix.
Keep your eyes on this topic for updates.
@Jamie-BG I can add as a user with the same issue - second time it started happening to me after (not immediately, ~in a week probably) I set custom watchface (with AoD enabled), after I switched back to Suunto’s native watchfaces the problem gone.
@pavel-samokha Maybe that forced the ‘power saver tilt’ to turn off? Can you check if this is on or off on your device?
I have just forced it off as per @Veli-Prehti 's advice. I can confirm this setting is now properly OFF!
I did a quick test with the Suunto Wear App, just while sitting indoors in my office. It did NOT crash or reboot, and instead it went to the powersave display as it should.
Are we on to a winner?? Have we found the culprit to what causes the problem?? More testing is needed, but this does look promising.
Can everyone who is experiencing this problem please try to track an activity with the power save tilt both on and off (follow the instructions above to properly turn it off).
If this works, it could be invaluable information to feed back to Suunto to help them implement a proper fix
@olymay It may not help, but as you don’t need it you don’t lose anything by turning these settings off:
On Google fit - switch off track physical activity. -
@Jamie-BG Thanks Jamie, I will try that next if the power save tilt doesn’t work.
I’ve done enough fault finding over the years to know that you only change one thing at a time
I have an update!!
After a few days resting, I went for a lunchtime 10K today and it was perfect opportunity to check the crashing/rebooting issue.
Before I set off, I confirmed the ‘power saver tilt’ was OFF and carried out a couple of tests in my garden with the Suunto Wear App and all seemed good.
I set off, tracking my 10K route and all was good. I’ve done this route a few times so didn’t need to track the route, but I did so to check it would work.
At the 7K mark it was still working fine. So I switched ot the map screen to see how that would work. I kept it there until just past 8K and all was still good.
I switched back to the default data screen so I could check my pace for the end of my run. Aaaannnndddddd…
Exactly the same as the previous issues. Gutted!!
It still tracked the run in the background, it just would not keep it displayed.
When I got home and was checking through the watch, I discovered the ‘power saver tilt’ had turned itself back ON!!
It seems that using the map view while running forces the ‘power saver tilt’ to turn back on which in turn crashes the Suunto Wear App.
Whomever can feed back to Suunto, can you please, please, please ask them to disable the ‘power saver tilt’ function, as it is this that seems to be the root cause of the problem.
@olymay I thank you for all your investigating and patience. I know you must feel really bothered by this bug, but by sharing your experience you’re not only helping Suunto fix the bug, you’re helping us, the other S7 users, to find workarounds for a bug we may also be affected by.
Hi, today i’ve experienced something similar. After only 3 weeks of receiving my watch, and doing my first treeking with it… it’s very annoying.
The problem occured after nearly 3 hours, following a track, when I raised my arm to check that I was in the correct direction, suunto app get blocked and the activity was not being shown. The screen it was showing is the one with the options before starting an activity, but the first options were shown in white. I tried to go out from the app and back, and even i couldn’t to start a new activity again. I tried to finish the app in application menu, but without success. I restart the watch, and then I could start a new activity,.
I hope that this problems are going to be solved soon, as we are some that have experienced the same.