Has your S7 ever crashed in the middle of an exercise? How can you resume a hike after a restart?
@eurohiker avoid posting the same message twice. Please.
@isazi sorry i didn’t find the bug section until after. Can you delete the one under android bug please.
@eurohiker don’t worry, I already took care of your other post. Because this post is about the watch and not the phone app, this is the best section for it.
@isazi thank you!
@eurohiker and no, I haven’t had the watch crash since the bug in the previous firmware was fixed.
BTW your idea of being able to resume activities is nice. I think no Suunto watch can do that (not sure, please correct me if there are watches that can do that), so once and activity is saved there is no way to continue it. Garmin offers the possibility to pause activities for later, although I’m pretty sure also there once you press save you can’t continue.
@eurohiker I basically experienced this, more here: link text
@martin-vrska I looked at your issue and that seems to be what happened to me. I like to leave my map on when i hike especially since there were a lot of cross roads on my trail and switching in between trails routes colours.
Were you able to restart the route and and it was fine for the rest of the hike?
What was the exact message it sent you? I wish I took a picture of it but like I said I thought it would just pick up from where i left off like strava being a suunto noob.
Did Suunto contact you and ask you for the data? I would love to get in contact with them because if it happened to you multiple times and it happened to me after my 7th trail within the 2 weeks of owning it then I’m kind of worried I will be in the same boat as you and have it reoccurring? -
@eurohiker Yes, I also think the same thing happened to me. After restarting the watch, I started a new training without following the route and finished it normally, then connected the routes on a PC.
I have not noticed such behavior since then. I used the navigation of the route, for which we experienced the system crash several times before the last update of the watch, once again and without any problems. I also normally use the map screen for orientation and everything is fine.
I contacted Suunto support and they recommended that I reset the watch, if it doesn’t help, complain. “I’m waiting” for another similar unwanted watch behavior, then I’ll perform a reset and possibly make a complaint. -
@martin-vrska guys it’s important also that you report those things here. Last bug with the map first showed up for one user only, then people learned how to reproduce it and Suunto acknowledged there was a bug in the S7 and released a fix (and a workaround in the meanwhile).
So now there are at least two people affected, you and @eurohiker. Anything we can do to reproduce the bug and have the watch crash?
@isazi Thanks for your concerns!
my maps were left on using the hike mode setting.I know this is bad on battery but this was complicated area (for us) due to a lot of crossroads in a small area since our loop was a mix of 4 different trails.
The gpx file was obtained from Alltrails https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/france/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/circuit-les-goudes-col-de-la-selle-et-col-du-bres
@Martin-Vrska Mentioned that his happens when he was moving around the map. I could have been because it was on the map tile and don’t remember what exactly I was doing but it could have went unnoticed for 5min max.
Sadly next weekend i’ll be ski touring and not hiking so i won’t be in the same setting. 2 weeks from now i’ll be hiking to see if i can reproduce it. Even though i hope it doesn’t happen lol
@eurohiker Sunday I’ll load a track and see if it crashes checking the map.
I did one the other week to check the functionality.
I was only out for 40 mins, loads of route waypoints, but didn’t check the map much - only twice, and didn’t move it around; but no crash for me.@eurohiker @Martin-Vrska
Just as a matter of interest do you have the silence option set to active on the phone’s wear os app? -
@jamie-bg I play sports exclusively in airplane mode, so I don’t think it affects the function of the watch at the moment, or am I wrong?
@jamie-bg Thanks for your reply!
yes actually, i forgot and left “do not disturb” on.Hopefully that helps the troubleshoot! I will leave do not disturb on next weekend to see if I can replicate it.
You also made be remember that I put on an insane amount of waypoints for this trail just because i’m new and I wanted to test out adding waypoints.
Important Piece of New Information: This is the only trail I added waypoints. There were 20 waypoints in a 15km trail.
The GPX was downloaded from Alltrails and the waypoints were added in the Suunto phone app.This is all the information from the outing:
- Les Goudes, Col de la Selle and Col du Brès Loop
GPX file obtained from: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/france/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/circuit-les-goudes-col-de-la-selle-et-col-du-bres - GPX File with all waypoints added https://api.sports-tracker.com/apiserver/v2/routes/export/bW9vRXJ1TW9rbmxhVXlnbXhGbmpkY0wwcjBmSUZ6MFp1S2VrTnJNZ2w0dz0=?brand=SUUNTOAPP
- The hike where the watch crashed and I restarted the hike
Side note (Nothing to do with my issue list): I was wondering why i wasn’t getting off route/wrong way/waypoints vibrates and realized that i had “do not disturb” on. Noob mistake
sidenote 2: i know it’s bad on the battery to keep checking the map constantly but it’s a bad habit of mine. This is the real reason why i bought the watch so I can preserve my phone battery for other uses like droning, social, and other daily use cases.
Sad reality is that I don’t really want to change that habit because i like checking the map. Maybe when I turn off do not disturb and get off route messages then I will use the map less.We like to do multiple smaller trails in different areas in a weekend versus the 1 big trail like other users.
- Les Goudes, Col de la Selle and Col du Brès Loop
@martin-vrska Prior to latest update if you had the silence notification set on the wear os phone app (to silence phone while connected to watch) this was what was causing the watch app to crash.This is supposed to be fixed, so if you had this setting on and it was crashing, you could try it with it off, and maybe it isn’t as fixed as suunto had thought. Good place to at least start.
@jamie-bg Thanks for the idea, but as I write in another thread: during sports I have my watch in flight mode and then the Wear OS setting should not affect (?).
@martin-vrska didn’t matter previously whether watch was in plane mode or not. It was something to do with setting the silence phone setting on the phones wear os app. I suspect somewhere it triggers a setting in the watch that caused and issue - supposed to be fixed, but if you do have that on, and you are crashing, it would be good to check if you don’t crash if it is off (maybe it isn’t as fixed as thought it was).
@jamie-bg OK, I can try
@eurohiker went for a hike today, more or less 17 kilometers on the Dutch coast, circa 4:30 hours walking (including breaks during which I didn’t stop the watch), route loaded and spent all the time in the map field. My watch did not crash, sorry
I also had many waypoints, created the route with plotaroute and had it include a waypoint for every turn, so also lots of notifications for that.