is a system update coming ?
They seem to follow a reasonably regular schedule - maybe end of June or early July?
@nigel-taylor-0 seems to be every 3 or 4 months. Tomorrow it will be 2 months since the last update was released, so I’d guess we might get a new update near the end of July perhaps
. Of course, if Finland is anything like Norway, that would be in the middle of the summer holiday when basically nothing in the business world happens.
@aleksander-h said in is a system update coming ?:
@nigel-taylor-0 seems to be every 3 or 4 months. Tomorrow it will be 2 months since the last update was released, so I’d guess we might get a new update near the end of July perhaps
. Of course, if Finland is anything like Norway, that would be in the middle of the summer holiday when basically nothing in the business world happens.
@aleksander-h said in is a system update coming ?:
@nigel-taylor-0 seems to be every 3 or 4 months. Tomorrow it will be 2 months since the last update was released, so I’d guess we might get a new update near the end of July perhaps
. Of course, if Finland is anything like Norway, that would be in the middle of the summer holiday when basically nothing in the business world happens.
Yes maybe >>
2020 - end of January - early April - late June - early September = more like 2 months cycle - bit of a delay (Christmas etc?) then…
2021 - mid Jan - mid April - so now stretching out closer to 3 months cycle if this is a new less aggressive release pattern.
So - mid July?
Although, the 2021 Jan and (especially) April releases contained such significant changes its not a big surprise they came out on a slower cycle. Maybe could expect a more minor update surfacing back end of June if the 2 months cycle actually remains??
I want (but reasonably happy if none of these ever arrive!) >
Option for FEWER notifications for WayPoints (just one, at the Waypoint for me, rather than, “you’re about to reach a WayPoint”, “you’re at a Waypoint”, “You’ve got another Waypoint in X distance” occurring in the minute around every WayPoint!)
Customisable lap alerts (change distance frequency / switch off). (1k is too often for longer runs, any alerts is too often for some long slow runs)
Fix of rare intermittent crash bug when following route from an imported GPX
More icons for Waypoints (arrows of the compass mainly!) and display of these icons when getting an alert (ideally someway of defining these icons following on from whatever goes into the XML when specifying a ‘turn arrow’ in Plotaroute - but would take just manual edit of the Waypoint Type in the phone app as a stepping stone (if these icons would be displayed and increased to include arrows).
Integration of sensor metrics in the SA
Ability to tweak auto-brightness levels down a notch or two (my preferred brightness indoors is one or two clicks down from what auto adjusts it to - but I can’t leave it on manual as then when I step outside in daylight I can’t see anything - give us an ability to have auto, but “less bright” auto option! (would stretch battery too).
Structured workouts (define in the app and push to watch, selectable from a list, similar to how a route can be selected)
Planned workouts (add future planned workouts (structured or not) in the app - so can work out a training plan and input into calendar and just todays plan right there on the watch when you go out.
Training Plans - building on Planned workouts, have the ability to create a structured set of workouts (a marathon plan, a 10k plan, a base building plan etc), and just drop that plan in on a start date so it creates a whole load of future planned workouts (might be difficult without a web interface, although I think Coros have this).
GhostRacing / Race mode. Deliver in stages…input a distance and give a metric for estimated finish time based on elapsed time so far and pace over the last km or such-like. Evolve this to have input of target time, and a metric of what average pace is required for remaining distance to hit that target.
Nice new tiles for some of the above.
And all this new functionality and extra processor cycles it uses, delivered with improved battery life! (although I’m reasonably happy with it as things stand, I can run a marathon in ‘best’ without really worrying, and I can record any ultra I’m expecting to do in ‘good’ (although might struggle if requires a lot of nav…I’ve navigated a 6hr effort (in good) and had more than 50% of battery left - although that was on road and only about 25 or so WayPoints, & only needed to look at the actual map maybe less than 5 times throughout)
(I probably want a new watch that doesn’t exist yet!)
So. Any hints of a coming update in the near future
@aleksander-h I wouldn’t bet on August, but something good usually comes in September-October.
@dmytro said in is a system update coming ?:
@aleksander-h I wouldn’t bet on August, but something good usually comes in September-October.
Considering how close we are to September, maybe there will “only” be three updates for the S7 this year.
@aleksander-h there aren’t supposed to be any announcements/leaks beforehand. And suunto usually updates all s watches in the same month.
@dmytro said in is a system update coming ?:
@aleksander-h there aren’t supposed to be any announcements/leaks beforehand. And suunto usually updates all s watches in the same month.
Yeah, I was surprised when S3/S5/S9 got updates in June, but not the S7. At the same time though, the S7 likely has nearly 0 code in common with the other watches, so no reason to expect an update to be ready at the same time.
@aleksander-h oh that’s right, I forgot s7 didn’t get an update. Yeah, but the one it did get was very feature rich.
the Suunto 7 has a different OS but It has a specific developing team to develop the new features following a update calendar with a probably “similar” deadlines than S3/S5/S9 …or at least we should know in advance when it will arrive as happened on the previous updates.
I think we can consider July as a vacation month in Suunto at least for releasing hw/sw… for sure they are testing lots of things
@suzzlo said in is a system update coming ?:
I think we can consider July as a vacation month in Suunto
I certainly hope so! People need holiday
Hmm…what would be the updates they could possibly bring feature wise.
Last update was excellent with sleep and resources. Only thing I can think of is auto pause, Suuntos’s altimeter, some new watch faces and sensor support (which would be awesome but most likely is not happening).
Anyway with the last update the watch has nearly everything I want, only thing missing is the sensor support but all in all I’m very happy with it and Suunto has done a great job with it.
From Google’s side I don’t care about the Wear 3.0. Only thing I’m waiting is the Gpay to be available in my region and maybe the YT music. -
@jantikainen auto pause, customizable auto laps and customizable HR zones would be the big ones for me.
The one thing I’m missing is multiple sleeps per day. I often sleep quite oddly. For example 21 to 01 and the again from 05 to 08. When it “works” for this pattern, it only picks up one of them. If this worked, then it would hopefully also work tracking naps. Maybe we could get a toggle to “force” it recording sleep.
@aleksander-h said in is a system update coming ?:
@jantikainen auto pause, customizable auto laps and customizable HR zones would be the big ones for me.
Me too.
Also customisation of notifications for WayPoints (Current overkill of 3 per Waypoint versus One alert at the Waypoint).
I think there’s quite a lot of UX improvements that could be made in the SA. Teeny fonts on the map screen that don’t react to ‘font size’, plus a more useful low-power alternative for the map screen.
plus Structured workouts, on-watch Race Time Predictor (one of the First Beat metrics).
I’d also really like to see a grade adjusted pace metric / wrist based power (like Coros have, which seems ‘reasonably’ close to an actual Stryd pod when I tested)!
But - pretty happy with how things are - would PREFER no functions but work on optimisations to increase battery even more!
Version 4.43 of SA was supposed to arrive last week but it is behind schedule. We should arrive after the holidays at the beginning of September.The S7 update is expected to arrive at the end of September
Wait, proud, & see !
@nigel-taylor-0 said in is a system update coming ?:
plus Structured workouts, on-watch Race Time Predictor (one of the First Beat metrics).
I’d also really like to see a grade adjusted pace metric / wrist based power (like Coros have, which seems ‘reasonably’ close to an actual Stryd pod when I tested)!
To be frank, I think what you are asking for will be implemented on the S9 series but not the S7. in fact, the race time predictor and grade adjusted pace are already available as SuuntoPlus. I don’t want to be negative but I’d be
Surprised to see these on theS7.Glad you like the watch. I wear my S7 a lot during the week and the S9P on the weekends.
@brad_olwin said in is a system update coming ?:
@nigel-taylor-0 said in is a system update coming ?:
plus Structured workouts, on-watch Race Time Predictor (one of the First Beat metrics).
I’d also really like to see a grade adjusted pace metric / wrist based power (like Coros have, which seems ‘reasonably’ close to an actual Stryd pod when I tested)!
To be frank, I think what you are asking for will be implemented on the S9 series but not the S7. in fact, the race time predictor and grade adjusted pace are already available as SuuntoPlus. I don’t want to be negative but I’d be
Surprised to see these on theS7.Glad you like the watch. I wear my S7 a lot during the week and the S9P on the weekends.
Yeah they’re just “nice to haves”.
The S7 is a watch I can navigate an ultra with, and then buy a drink with it afterwards, then the next weekend get into a football match using a QR code stored in Google Keep - I don’t really need much else to be honest!
@brad_olwin said in is a system update coming ?:
Glad you like the watch. I wear my S7 a lot during the week and the S9P on the weekends.
I use my S7 for almost everything now. Only use my SSU when I want to go several days without having to bring a power bank (camping in the woods for a few days for instance).