Connection issues
I will spell this out for those that seem to miss certain points.
Tried to connect on MULTIPLE PCS
Tried THREE cables (only one was a china copy?
Is there another option to connect WITHOUT connecting to PC that allows routes and poi transfer??
Why the heck do you need to connect the watch via Cable in the first frigging place…This was not needed with Movescount… Yet you SUUNTOLINK lovers see it as progression…
Explain the point of having a mobile app that does NOTHING. You create a route etc in the app and have to connect your WIRELESS ENABLE WATCH to a pc via a cable to sync the PC app with the MOBILE APP to then sync the route you created in the MOBILE APP to the WIRELESS ENABLED WATCH…
So explain how this makes SUNNTO LINK better when Movescount PC did not require your Ambit3peak watch to be connected to do a damn thing… If I have a watch connected to the mobile app why the heck does the PC app which is connected to a SERVER need me to connect it via a cable??
And one final point I have already moved on. I moved to Garmin(Fenix5x) after over 20 years of loyalty… My son wants a watch for use in DofE in the UK Hence asking the questions… I had hoped that there had been a suitable replacement for quite frankly AWESOME Movescount web/pc app…
Seems no and just shows how pathetic the devs still are at Suuntop…
the progression comes with newer watches.
the reason why @André-Faria asked might be because there’s a chance you’re still using win7.
I use SuuntoLink about 4-5 times per year, with every FW update. Newer models e.g. S9P even offers over the air updates -
@freeheeler Yep so basically you are not actually answer the questions related to the Ambit 3 peak…
As to progression… SO basically you are advocating Suunto killing off watch features… I still have no idea why we cannot sync without a pc??? thats is regression not progression… After all if you design a route in a MOBILE APP but the only way to get it to the watch is to sync the PC APP with a mobile app to then sync it to the watch that means there is a frigging server… So would mean the actually route/poi/and settings can be done with out a cable and the feature just needs to be added.
I have seen that even GARMIN connect still FULLY supports ALL features from ALL their ranges… If they can do it so can SUUNTO
you moved on to Garmin, seem to be angry about Suunto and we have little information about the details.
You are not the only Ambit and SuuntoLink user here but obviously, at least for now, nobody else is having the same trouble as you do…what is your expectation for support from us forum members?
Oh I am angry at SUUNTO… Thats for certain.
I have explained the issue. So was hoping for a work around… After all it is a WIRELESS enable device…
I also have no idea as to why Suuntolink requires the watch connected to do things if a watch is connected to an account(just like my ambit3p) this was always possible before…
This is the only place to find a possible answer… Unless you know otherwise.
You seem to be happy with Suunto so move on.
@lohtse said in Connection issues:
Oh I am angry at SUUNTO… Thats for certain.
I have explained the issue. So was hoping for a work around… After all it is a WIRELESS enable device…
I also have no idea as to why Suuntolink requires the watch connected to do things if a watch is connected to an account(just like my ambit3p) this was always possible before…
This is the only place to find a possible answer… Unless you know otherwise.
You seem to be happy with Suunto so move on.
That was explained by suunto long long time ago.
I was in the same boat as you, contacted directly support, advocating what I loose…
At the time they give me a discount on newer devices.
But that was maybe two years ago.
Now the change is long gone, and ambit 3 is years old, so don’t expect any changes on that method.
What you can do, is create a route on komoot or whatever platform (if you prefer on the pc), and if I understood correctly (I don’t have the device anymore) on the app you just toggle the routes you want on the watch, then yes you need to connect via cable.
Yes I asked due to windows 7 incompatiblity. Lots of PCs don’t mean nothing, can be old can be new.
Right or wrong, it’s suunto decision, it’s their house, they do whatever they want. At the time, my only argument was that the watch was on sale annoucing the same features, which was not true.
After they changed it. As said a lot of times, suunto has very limited resources, so they have to prioritize.
Seems obvious to prioritize key features to newer watches than from a watch from 2012.
Suunto link has evolved even to support apps. If it is ideal compared to movescount ? no. If it is worth being angry and complaining? Not at all, long gone the transition.
If you want to continue to use the watch, just learn how it is now. If not, you can give it to someone, sell, dump it… -
The big issue here is the app is useless and pointless… It is basically a viewer nothing more. Even adding route and poi transfer would be a big improvement for ambit users… The whole point of a wireless on this device is to allow more functions etc. I actually have no idea why they just can’t let us log in on suunto link without connecting via a cable if you have a device registered to your account(is there a work around) then allow sync via the app just like we could with movescount!! Seriously that is such a simple and basic thing they could do. After all the apps both use a damn server…
As to dumping it on someone else… I new about this crapping on ambit users from the beginning and argued like you did with suunto… So dumping a dumbed down watch on another is completely unethical for me…
As to the PC question all windows 10 machines and as stated cable connection only charges Ambit 3 peak and yes I know it is a watch issue… hence the comments relating to wireless…
@lohtse discussing with you is useless, bye bye sweetheart
Well … As this discussion is derailed to a “beaten to death” topic, it’s going to be closed soon.
For connection issues, the real topic, at this point it seems that the only solution is to ask support as we can’t suggest any other tests
@isazi Bye darling
@sartoric LOL OK
@lohtse said in Connection issues:
Yet you SUUNTOLINK lovers see it as progression…
Indeed it is a progression, and believe it or not, it could have been much worse for our Ambit
S sartoric locked this topic on