S7 RHR visibility?!
Does anyone know if the S7 measure resting HR and display it somewhere on the watch or app please?
There seem to be an area under exercise / profile where the Resting HR is set by default to 60bpm. I would like to go ahead and change this according to my RHR.
from lowest HR during night you can add +10 as a rule of thumb for resting HR -
@freeheeler Hey, thanks for the tip.
I had a look and it says 49 bpm which is quite high for me since I had a few drinks before bed.
That would be 59 RHR however, my AW S5 says I have a!RHR of 54 today. I guess I must wait for batter night to see if that would tie up. Is the 10% with a margin of error or a set figure? Thanks -
I was talking about +10 bpm, not 10%
as said, it’s a rough rule of thumb. lowest HR varies as you know depending on the sleep quality, the type and amount of drinks we’ve hadand if we worked out harder than usual. if you observe it over time you can estimate the average.
@freeheeler oops I just realised that Google fit HR tile has a RHR and it matches my Apple Watch 55bpm.
Now my question does one have to change this in the exercise profile like on weekly basis and does effect calories and body resources if left unchanged?
if you set your RHR too low, you’ll be “stressed” a lot and resources will be too low. if it’s set too high, the watch thinks you’re relaxed and resources might be too high -
@freeheeler isn’t this the other way around?
I thought low RHR would equal a higher resources?
it’s the benchmark for the watch to calculate.
if it’s set too low the watch always thinks you’re stressed if it measures your actual HR that will be higher (if RHR is set, too low) -
@freeheeler alright, I get it now…
So probably best to set the average RHR of a week rather than a day which must be approximately what Suunto default is 60bpm