Question about having whole daily health data in webapp with dashboard
@cemoi71 Have you tried the new Coach feature in the app? This has most of what you are asking about.
Hi @Brad_Olwin I’m not sure to check what do you mean…
Is that on your app as exactly “coach feature” ?
I find it the android nothing with that words…
It’s called maybe with other words in french (sightly).
Could you maybe give me the path where you tap with the finger to come inside.
thx for your answer. -
yeah ok if its that meant with coach feature, yes it’s not bad, i like it.
But that’s these part that I would like to have in a web dashboard. Especially the all the sleep data, and the complete daily report in the calendar, with the steps amount, the recovery at wake up, the fc, the daily form, and so on…
Not only on a small display, which is not every time under my hand, but on a huge display -
@cemoi71 Switch to a Apple Silicon Mac. Suunto App runs on iPads, Macs and iPhone. I have my Suunto data on a 16" screen, it does not change the views but it’s very nice. This could be one reason why Suunto is not building a dedicated web app. I seem to remember that new Windows versions can run Android or something similar, not sure?
@cemoi71 no web app, and mostly all partners are focusing on activities. Android app can be also opened in Windows 11 machines (in case you have one)
BR -
@cemoi71 like @Brad_Olwin said Windows 11 could run Android Apps and there is also an Android emulator for windows called BlueStacks which can run the app on your PC even on older Windows versions or if running Android Apps in Windows 11is not supported in your country . Works for me (although I only use it for routing in the map screen, which is great on a big screen). There’s a thread about BlueStacks here in the forum, giving some advice on how to set it up, but it’s not that difficult.
@suzzlo yes i’ve seen it, sad…
how was the movescount ? was it only just for activities?@ChrisA @Brad_Olwin I’ve no windows no macs, just Linux, ubuntu
Macs could be an option in a far future (interested to try an OS which is Unix/bsd like). But have no finance for it (other prios)…
Thank you very much for your responses
@cemoi7 it seems you can run android apps on Ubuntu with Anbox.
@DMytro I’ll give a look on it. thx for the tipp