Suunto App
@akoshajas top! Let’s solve this
BTW in ragards to this and triggered by @Luís-Pinto I asked on Facebook and on all test groups, as well developers if they had any hr differences and there was noone that had more than 1bpm difference that can happen due to rounding errors. I am forwarding now your issue.
Thanks again.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Thanks again
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos do you need more data? If needed, I could provide some example on the same issue, too.
@Jani-Kaikkonen let me come back to this when I have a reply.
Hi guys! I hope not to mess up by posting this here but didn’t manage to find how exactly can I download the beta version for the Suunto App in order to test it. Does anyone have some info about the testflight app invitation codes or about this process and how i can help as a tester with the beta release cycle of the app?
Later edit: Sorry for spamming, finally managed to access the link for beta testing, it seems that the firewall from the job office was blocking my access to the TestFlight link. Cheers!
Hi @iuliant, You have to make a request on this page for iOS or for Android. Then, you will receive an email from Testflight. (it took about a week for me)
@Tim4c - thanks man, yep, managed to apply and obtained the invitation code for the Testflight app. Also downloaded the app and had the pleasant surprise to notice that my previous syncs with the Suunto App didn’t vanished after upgrading the AppStore version of the app to the latest beta build. Also started messing around with the beta app
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Hi, after the last update they fixed the average HR but the max HR ist still incorrect…
SSWHR & Android - avg & max HR are displayed correctly in Suunto App for Cycling, Indoor Cycling and Running … at least the last 7 exercises …
@Shrek3k yeah but you’ve Sunnto Spartan Sport Wrist HR and I’m using the Belt HR
@akoshajas recreated the bug
@akoshajas got it, and the bug has been recreated … only slight correction - I usually do not use the internal sensor OHR, but a Scosche Rhythm+ … obviously even that makes a difference (however and why ever …)
@Shrek3k damn auto correct. Created I Meant
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos the app has a bug again?
@akoshajas didn’t you report a difference in Max ? Or am I just stupid so much?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yes I did
@akoshajas OK. So I opened a bug for this.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos my move today…the max HR is way off… 
Seems that the new iOS 1.3.1 (6404) version does not adress any serious issues
• Added Helpshift link to Sport Mode Customization view
• Clarified information that is shown to user when requesting Photo accessSo still have to use movescount app on the phone which looks kind of ugly on the iPhone X