Suunto bike sensor fitting headache!
I was kindly bought a 9 baro for my birthday. So to use more of the watch I bought the bike sensor. I can’t get the thing to fit! The gap between the crank arm and the chain stay is less than the height of the sensor. The main fastened the chain stay is too far away to the spoke magnet. If anyone can think of a work around I will be very grateful.
I think you know the video of Suunto how to install the bike sensor?
It should be no problem at any bike, because the body of the sensor is mounted on top of the chain stay.
@Legin25 said in Suunto bike sensor fitting headache!:
I was kindly bought a 9 baro for my birthday. So to use more of the watch I bought the bike sensor. I can’t get the thing to fit! The gap between the crank arm and the chain stay is less than the height of the sensor. The main fastened the chain stay is too far away to the spoke magnet. If anyone can think of a work around I will be very grateful.
I am not very aware of that sensor , but if you have this kind of issues with your bike a candence sensor and speed sensor from wahoo can do the trick since the first can go in your shoe and the speed on your hub
I’ll take a picture of how I set mine up for you tomorrow. I got it to work but dread changing the battery because it’s very temperamental.
I isazi moved this topic from Headphones on
@Legin25 Here’s how I set the sensors up. I put a spacer under the one on the crank to move it closer the the main body - hopefully the pictures are clear enough.