Ascent / Descent in Sportstracker 0m
Thanks for clarifying that.
I used to love the watches from Suunto. Since 15 years a watch from Suunto accompanies me on my sports activities. Movescount is a solid platform for analyzing data, but it feels strange for a customer to know that this platform will not be further developed and adequate replacement is not yet in sight.
I’m afraid Suunto will lose many customers due to this fact. It just feels wrong to be forced to use 2 platforms if you want a nice looking app and a Website to keep a comprehensive training diary… -
@Martin-Bergmayr We have discussed this well in the forum.
You share, rightfully the same opinion with most of the people.
It is the uncomfortable time that 1 platform development is paused and a new one is kicking in.
It’s inevitable from any point of view not to create frustration to the users, but rest assured when this period passes a new plaform will be there for the users.
That said, things like history import etc will come so there is a “solid” migration plan.
What I understand personally from the discussions here (and I provide this as feedback to Suunto) is that some users find it too early to happen, perhaps like you, that use the web quite a lot for analysis and prefer that from the App only.
I wish it was better at this point but now it is what it is.
The thing I can say to comfort this is that Suunto is putting full power to deliver what can the best and there is no reason that they would want to frustrate their customers. Moreover perhaps this is the time that they need their customers confidence and support, as it’s the only thing that can help.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos You are right. It is what it is. The Hardware of my Spartan Ultra is simply awesome and I love the handling and the accuracy it delivers.
I’m still a bit unsure what the future will bring in terms of migration. Do you have information about the migration plans? If most of the users use 2 platforms already, a migration of Movescount Data would mean a lot of duplicate content.
@Martin-Bergmayr we will avoid the duplicate content as far as I know. There is a plan for that.
Target is not to loose a bit on moves but perhaps people might loose planned moves and tags if that is not supported at that point. -
BTW strava connection and app update with a lot of fixes is out now
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos For Beta-Users only? (By the way - this forum is super cool!!!)
@Martin-Bergmayr Yup only beta for now, so we can get feedback as usuall.
Thanks for the comment of super cool.
If you are not on beta please do so (it’s not breaking stuff imagine I am on Alpha)
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos the discussion went a bit sideways, but the original issue raised by @mbergi seems to be a real bug to me and still present: ascent/descent data is not properly synced to Sports Tracker, although the data is present (and presumably correct) on the Suunto App and also properly synced to Sports Tracker when syncing through Movescount.
I just posted a bug report through customer support on my suunto account (I had not found this forum yet!), but is there any progress made on this issue? It’s not in the changelog for 3.56.0, and from a quick browsing on the forum it doesn’t seem to have been identified as a known bug. Do you have any more info in this matter?Also I’m a bit confused about the statement of sports tracker not being a web interface for the suunto app, as sync to sports tracker seems to be natively integrated, as opposed to movescount that had a clearly separate bridge system to multiple external services (sports tracker being one of them). Or do you mean that this is just a temporary solution until a native suunto web interface is ready and can “replace” sports tracker completely? (which would make sense)
[edit: typo]
@thomasb @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos My support ticket revealed that indeed ST is the web interface for SA.
So, this is clearly a bug and must be addressed.
Along, with all the missing functionality from MC. -
Sportstracker is not related and is not the web of Suunto no matter what support says.
I can well validate that from a higher position.Regarding to the bugs of it I am now sure if they ever will be fixed.
I personally would not open that website.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I had an account there since the symbian days. It would be beneficial to coordinate this with the support. We may know that great things are incoming but the general population can be easily misinformed
@Yannis-Belouris added to my to do list.
Its not that people should not be looking there per say, but more that at this moment it becomes more problematic as we see the issues there.To be precice , the Suunto app activity model supports way more “extensions” and data such as 24/7 data, epic etc. Those are not there. The altitude model for st is recalculated , and many other things are not aligned.
To fix those I cannot open bugs, on st website ATM. Don’t know about the future but this is it now.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos in this case there is something very wrong with the way sports tracker is integrated to the Suunto App. When I first installed the Suunto app, it asked me to authenticate. I had assumed that my movescount credentials would be the proper credentials to use, but when it didn’t work I looked in more details and it was clearly advised that I used my Sportstracker credentials, so that it would automatically synchronize there. Nowhere in the app is there even a way to configure this synchronization after the first sign-in: it just transparently syncs to SportsTracker. There is a place in the settings to connect to external services, but only Strava is listed.
If you say sportstracker is not related and is not/will not be the ‘web of Suunto’ in any way, I believe you, you are better placed that we are to make such statements. However, the way things currently work and are presented just add to the confusion. SportsTracker support directed me to Suunto support when I first mentioned the ascent/descent sync issue with them. Nothing in the app implies that SportsTracker is an ‘external service’ (contrary to how it is implemented in MovesCount for instance).
Even the Suunto FAQ clearly states the Suunto and SportsTracker are closely related: “The community in the Suunto App is made up of the Suunto community and the Sports Tracker community. Suunto and Sports Tracker are sister brands of Amer Sports and are collaborating to bring you Suunto app.” (Source: the end of the day I don’t really care about Amer Sport’s development policy regarding Suunto and SportsTracker, as long as I am able to track my workouts with my watch and get a good-enough tool for analysis and diary features. I’m fine switching to Suunto App as a sync source as advised strongly when I opened MovesCount last time, if it works well enough, which brings us to the original problem of the sync issue. I can also go back to using MovesCount with SportsTracker sync as I had until now.
I use SportsTracker because I have years of workout history there, and see no need to switch yet (the basic features provided are good enough for my usage). I had expected that the tighter collaboration between Suunto and SportsTracker under the Amer Sports ownership would make things better on the whole, but from what you are saying, I am not sure this is the case, at least until I see a proper, unified web interface that would match SportsTracker in terms of features and ergonomy (and would hopefully really offer improvements). And of course history transfer between the tools would be needed.
Anyway, if ever you get some updates on this sync issue, please let us know. As far I can guess, this is not a SportsTracker issue but a sync engine issue. Who is in charge of this I cannot guess, but SportsTracker support clearly redirected me to Suunto (and honestly, the MovesCount sync works fine, so I would not expect the issue to be on the SportsTracker side here).
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos cross-posting, sorry.
If integration with SportsTracker is not maintained/supported yet, it would be a good idea to make a clear mention of this in the Suunto App.
In my case the MovesCount app clearly advised me to move to the Suunto App, and the Suunto App clearly told me to use my SportsTracker credentials if I have some. So you an imagine the level of confusion your comments here generate.In my case I am perfectly fine continuing to use MovesCount with SportsTracker sync, as it worked well. If this is the recommended way for now to keep using SportsTracker in a maintained way, both SportsTracker and Suunto could make this clear one way or another.
[edit: typo]
I agree @thomasb with your comments and concerns.
That said, I do hope these things are shorted out.
I read the reviews and every comment here and the confusion that people have , as you noted , for even login credentials its unbelievable.
I thank you very much for the detailed and sincere feedback. I’ll take these words forward , to be heard where they should. Thanks again and no worries about the cross posting.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos thank you! And if I may add (a bit out of topic), this forum is really a great initiative and I really appreciate the speed at which you replied (especially a day after Christmas!!)
Also having detailed changelogs for all app versions is great for follow up by users, instead of having to guess.
Hopefully this will be sorted out, both for this particular sync problem and for the more general picture. I know transitions are often hard to manage (need to go fast and yet so much ‘history’ to take into account), but hopefully this ‘transition’ time will remain just that, a transition, and not become the new normal.