Is there a way to measure average heart rate during a period of rest, at any point in a move?
Hi, not sure if this is covered anywhere, as I made a search and nothing came up.
So here’s my question;
In the Suunto App, is there a way to measure my average heart rate during, let’s say a 20 second period of rest, at any point in a move? In Movescount on the web app/desktop I can just select a section of the BPM graph (“A” on the enclosed pic), and then just get my reading (“B”):I tried interacting with Heart Rate Zones graph on the Suunto App, but no joy there. Hope someone can shed some light? Or would I have to now go via a third party desktop app?
Thanks for reading,
Alejandro -
@Alejandro to my knowledge you can’t do that at the moment in the Suunto App. The free version of Training Peaks (synced with SA) has this feature - probably not the only 3rd party app, just the one I know…
@jean-william-cousin Thanks for your input. I just tried your suggestion with the free version of Training Peaks, but that doesn’t allow me to make a selection within a graph unless I upgrade to a paid version. And I’m really NOT up for paying for an “upgrade” to do something that was working perfectly well before in Movescount. Unless I’m really missing something, this Suunto App seems like a really big step backwards. At least for me.
@Alejandro sorry I thought it was available in the free version…!
try Runalyze can do that and its my fav. We also have some people from Runalyze here
Also allows history import
@Alejandro said in Is there a way to measure average heart rate during a period of rest, at any point in a move?:
Unless I’m really missing something, this Suunto App seems like a really big step backwards. At least for me.
Not only for you. I think a lot of Suunto users share your sentiment.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Many thanks for your response. Well, that Runalyze looks fantastic – there’s more stats on there than I’ll ever know what to do with.
Just a shame it doesn’t seem to carry through the split/lap times from my imported moves, nor from synced moves from the Suunto app… So very close, but still no cigar for me. Otherwise, Runalyze would be perfecto. Someone from Suunto should give those programmers a job – that’s what Suunto software should be like!
@silentvoyager “Throwing the baby out with the bathwater”, springs to mind.
@Alejandro it doesnt ? I can see my lap times for sure. Strange…
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos If you get a spare moment, could you please show me a screenshot of where you see your lap times in Runalyze? Would be much appreciated. I’m hunting around but don’t see… In Movescount I can use the small grey squares on the graph (A), select between them and instantly get my average heart rate (B);
When you have to take 8 measurements per move, and sometimes 3 moves per day, it’s a very productive feature.
Thanks again for your time!
@Alejandro To be honest not sure cannot find this specific feature. Maybe @mipapo could help
@Alejandro Well, this isn’t possible yet. We will add this “feature” when we are refactoring the activity view, but I really don’t know when this will be the case. Sorry for the moment. We are working on so many parts of RUNALYZE in the moment. I will that feature wish to the the ticket.
@mipapo Many thanks for your efforts on Runalyze! Much appreciated.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos So, I know this topic is a bit old, but I just got into your Quantified Self site… Firstly, I must say it’s a beautifully crafted tool. Love the name too - kind of esoteric-y. :–) Secondly, it has exactly what I was looking for, namely, manual laps so I can record resting HR between points;
Thirdly, dark mode!
You’ve probably heard it too many times, but THIS is what Movescount/Suunto App should be. ;–)
Anyway, I just felt the need to acknowledge your efforts with a big, “THANK YOU”! When I import some data I’ll be donating. ;–)
some are asking when QS will become SA web end… -
@Alejandro you could use the selection select the portion between laps and get AVG/MIN/Max Gain/Loss
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Yes, I saw that. Very useful. And the selection zoom-in is a very nice touch. Great job.