Parallel Use Of Movescount + Suunto app
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos hi i had several crashes of the watch ( the download symbol appeared on the watch face out of nowhere and i had todo 3 sec restart). This stopped when I removed the mc app. I would love to download the moves to mc via cable but never managed that. Basically I kept forgetting the right order and then could not find a way to resync to mc web after the sync to SA happened. Do you have a trick for that that does not involve resetting all the heart zones and personal settings on the watch?
@silentvoyager well I guess that the silent hope is that mc stays only on the web and downloads data from SA exactly like strava runalize etc etc…
@Antonio-Crapsi said in Parallel Use Of Movescount + Suunto app:
@silentvoyager well I guess that the silent hope is that mc stays only on the web and downloads data from SA exactly like strava runalize etc etc…
That would be better than nothing, but still far from ideal. Creating complex input on a large screen is far more convenient and productive than doing that on a tiny phone screen using touch input. That would include anything that needs to be updated back to watch - screen customization, training plans (when that becomes available), complex workout, routes, etc.
I understand is that Suunto’s direction is to replace the web platform with a web service (API) so that any 3rd party service could do things described above in addition to just consuming the exercise data. In theory Movescount could do that too just like any other 3rd party tool. The real question is whether the API will be rich enough for all of that. If you look at Strava API as an example you’ll see what you can do through the API is very limited subset of what you could do on the website and is pretty much reduced to read-only functions for retrieving info.
Hi, I still use MC to log all my runs with no problems for my Spartan / Ambit 3.
At the same time I’m using SA on Android with NO problems with regard to my Spartan, but I only use this to view runs / moves.
I never seem to have both open at the same time, so not sure if there would be a problem with that or not.I have had NO confusion with routes.
I have had NO crashes on either platform.YES, I feel at the moment the only way forward is to use both MC and SA, i also use Tracker.
I personally find it almost impossible to use SA like I use MC, I’m currently playing around with Runalayze / Trainingpeaks and TrainAsOne to look for a way forward (after 2020) sadly my association with Suunto and being different to all my friends seems to be coming to an end. Garmin Fenix is looking desirable right now, I’m hoping that Suunto turn this around as I genuinely love their watches.
Paul -
Je voudrais savoir si tu as déjà utiliser un itinéraire avec ta montre?
Je viens de suivre un itinéraire avec ma spartan, et je viens de remarquer en rentrant chez moi et en connectant ma montre que aucun move apparaît…
Cela veut dire que lorsque on suit un itinéraire avec une montre, aucun move n’est enregistré du coup ??
@ludo-poy Hi, sorry but we use English as standard communication language
@ludo-poy if you struggle with English, you can pm me if you want and we chat in French.
I am pretty sure following a route or not has no impact on whether the move is recorded or not, assuming you did start an exercise and not only use the navigation function. -
@jean-william-cousin thanks!
En effet j’ai utiliser la fonction navigation et non la fonction exercice puis option itinéraire.
Mais si je choisi exercice puis option itinéraire lorsque je lance la montre, à l’écran j’ai .ce que installé comme fonction (dénivelé, temps de course, allure etc) mais comment on suit l’itinéraire dans ce cas?
@ludo-poy Si veux enregistrer et suivre il te faut lancer ton activité aller dans réglages (vers le bas avant le “début”) et choisir navigation, tu retrouveras ta liste et lancer ton activité.
PS: il est recommandé d’utiliser l’anglais sur le forum.
bonne journée
Is it true that people are getting refused movescount mobile sync as well as SuuntoLink (USB) sync?
A friend is asking me how he can sync his watch, says it isn’t working for him and that both SuuntoLink and Movescount app are suggesting installing Suunto app.This is again very poor communication from Suunto. How do they expect their users to figure out what to do on their own … they will probably try to install the suunto app, then run into hang/crash issues when both apps try to access the watch sync.
@fejker huh what do you mean? if the MC sync is not happening then they did the sport mode customization etc.
Also there comes a fix for using both app and the watch crashes.
Can you help a bit with what you mean?
It looks like it was browser cache problem or something, he just messaged me that the move magically showed up.
Before that he was getting this:
but after a while it showed up…
He is not tech-savvy and I am his lifeline.
I was like: -
Hi, I had big issues with my phone when trying to use movescount and the Suunto app it crashed my phone and required factory settings reset.I now update movescount via the cable and pc and not via my phone. The only reason I do this is to sync with my mapmyrun account. Will this become a feature of the Suunto app?
@Simon-Cox Not sure. But I think the latest update 2.6.54 fixed this issue of crashes according to the release notes.
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