ONLY GPS data from Suunto Spartan as GPX
@PerttiS its shared as a link because if not:
- You would have to download a GPX file that can become big
- You would have then to try to attach that file to some email or so which can also not be supported.
as a link you can share and don’t worry about downloading/uploading or file size limits depending on the apps (eg email has a limit of x mbs etc)
Now I have a link to pretty map. How can I get actual GPS data, I don´t need any summary or maps, just raw GPS info, prefer GPX format.
Hope you are not shutting down movescount soon, if so you render my spartan useless… -
@PerttiS you have to share the link on the routes list not on the activity list.
You most probably shared the link to an activity.- Create the route from an activity as we talked before. Name it eg test!
- Go to the map. Press the list icon to see your routes. You should see there 1 route called test. That route has an icon to share it. Tap that and you get the link to share the route not the activity.
Who desings these intefaces, you could add couple of steps
…And all files are named “shared-route.gpx” not any reference to saved route name?
@PerttiS that is a good point about the naming.
However, the name is contain in the file.In the next update there is the activity share button that can also share a route directly without those steps
Really happy that you walked me through, I would never figure out how to get files out by my self.
Thanks a lot! -
@PerttiS no problem and you are welcome. I do know the “pain” and for sure this will be improved.
I looked those GPX files, there is wrong time stamp, time is same per everys coordinate
that time seems to be export time as UTC -
Not sure what you are asking but the time is always UTC for GPX files
<rtept lat="60.1603" lon="24.942038333333333"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.160228333333336" lon="24.942038333333333"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.16020833333334" lon="24.942038333333333"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.160178333333334" lon="24.942050000000002"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.16014833333333" lon="24.94206"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.16012833333333" lon="24.942050000000002"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time> </rtept> <rtept lat="60.16011" lon="24.94206"> <ele>31.0</ele> <time>2019-06-04T16:02:27Z</time>
@PerttiS that looks fine. IS that from the Suunto app export ?
yes, export as you helped me to do.
That was extrac of one hour event, and ALL of the time stamp are as 2019-06-04T16:02:27Z even the event was last week
I also extracted other one before that and all timestamps are 2019-06-04T15:57:58Z also from last week
To mee those time stamps are from the time when you converted exercise to route (or when you did export) -
now I understand. Let me ask for this to get fixed asap.
I found this issue as I have been using Spartan as GPS logger for my photos, I use GPS track from Spartan to match time stamp of photos to geologate pics (with app called HoudahGeo)
Now I did not found any matches for those tracks…as those tracks were very fast, no time diffrence from start to finnish. -
@PerttiS Great job to be honest nice catch and great argument why this has to be fixed.
For a tip, till this is fixed: You can login to SportsTracker with the same account info of Suunto app and there there is an export to GPX button when you edit an activity.
If HoudahGeo supports fit files might have good news for you.
Via sportTracker is almost the same as the movescount way which I have been using. Works perfectly for me.
thanks -
@PerttiS said in ONLY GPS data from Suunto Spartan as GPX:
stamp of photos to geologate pics (with app called HoudahGeo)
@ForumDo you know any Android App to geolocate and geotag photos assuming you have a GPS track to put them on and match with time stamp ?
I have many photos not geotagged taken in some hiking activities, and I would like to put location in them.
Noone knows Android app to geotag photos linked with GPS track ?
But do you just need to show it on a map or do you need to add geo info to the image’s exif ? -
Add geotag