Modify Ascend/descent values in app
Hi, what kind of sport are you using?
I found my SSSW (without baro) very inaccurate, when my ups and downs are very flat. There is other thread where Suunto algorithm is explained, and there must be more than 7m of difference in less that X time to modify value (sure it’s not exactly explained). Please try to find this algorithm an compare with your…
Elevation = 0 is just on SA, or in SA and watch? -
0 value is in SA, I don’t know the value in he watch because in the diary not show this information. While I was running the watch not show asc/desc values.
no entry in the logbook? -
@TELE-HO I have data but haven’t Ascens/descend data values
@suzzlo in my log I can’t see the graph, but I have configúrate the graph in the sport mode.
@TitoPaKa you are mixing… Your watch will get data and store it, no matter if you have configured to show it or not.
So, once you finish your workout, you can see some basic data IN THE WATCH. Let’s see how to do it:
From main scree:
- Up button to exercise
- Up button to navigation
- Up button to logbook
- Middle button to enter in logbook
- Up/down button till you find workout
- Middle button to show details
- Down button till you find ascend/descent
Compare this data with SA data, there are some options:
- Ascent/descent = 0 in the watch -> problem in the watch
- Ascent/descent bigger 0 in the watch and 0 in SA -> problem in SA
Are you in Best GPS mode?
Afaik, without Baro, no altitude nor ascent are shown and saved in watches without Baro? -
@Mff73 I think that could be the problem, I try to change some configuration and I will inform you of the result
without baro, if the rise and fall values are shown (With GPS), I have the problem, probably because I have something wrongly configured -
Hi all! I try to change de GPS configuration and this was the problem, with high the values increase.
Problem resolved but I can’t change the values in my past workouts xD
Thanks for all!