Future S9 firmware wishlist summary
@inkognito Very well put, incl. suggestion. That is the only way Suunto thinks you should be using navigation: at speed on a set route. I hike, so I see that screen when recording a track and it seems … rather narcissistic. But priorities can differ …
@Saketo-Nemo It’s interesting that some instinctively see diameter and some see radius. I’m starting to think ego plays a part. Are you in the world or does it exist around you? And if both: there’s our confusion.
I don’t think the dotted line helps distinguish at all: it’s a circle. Just depends on how you like your pi.
Ø or R would help here -
well, maybe it’s not very clear but in the manual we have :
Adjust the zoom level with the upper and lower buttons.
So, the screen zoom level is 100m.
That commonly mean (especially talking about map) that the view width (in this case the dotted circle diameter) is 100m.but of course it uses more screen area, that I prefer to be dedicated to my data (poi, track etc) during navigation
Hello Everybody,
I’d like to kindy ask you if it’s possible to add option to configure vibration? Would be better if vibration will be longer.
Secondly is it possible to add option to configure watchfaces similarly as is during create new training when we chose information on defined area?kind regards,
Tomek -
@inkognito Agreed! A little explanation in the user guide would be sufficient. Now I know the scale is from your position to the edge of the dotted circle. Thanks for explaining that to me! And now I won’t forget. That makes sense to me now, but my initial thought was that it was possibly the diameter. So not entirely self explanatory to a a non-engineer haha.
Would by nice to add options to automatically turn off backlight of the watch face after manually turn on it, I mean tap on screen both fingers
you want the watch to switch automatically between manual and automatic? -
I’d like to have let say two options to turn off the backlight in manual mode. Once by again tap using both fingers, second automatically after defined time (just in case if I forget do it) -
basically you also ask for more customization of all settings -
Great suggestions! I love pretty much all of them!
It’s been a long time I was waiting for a real update which could correct one bug: wrong altimeter based on maps and gps.
I told since summer about the bug and the answers were only in bla-bla-bla tones.
And then, they issued a new bug with 24/7 HR monitoring which was in battery life killing.
You can notice that green lights are always on during measurements. It is reducing battery life dramatically: instead of 7 days it works only 4.
And what they answered? It is not bug, but feature. Feature to kill the battery so that people would buy brand new Suunto 7 easily.
No way! -
You don’t need to reply to multiple topics, even more if you don’t have specific questions.
Can you clarify to which issues you are referring to ? You’ve never posted here before
Thanks -
@Алексей-Омельченко also, are you talking about S9 or Spartan? Because you posted the exact same reply on both sections of the forum, and that does not sound right.
@sartoric just because I had a long email convesation with your support team.
Your time is up, now I want everyone to know first you are liars doing nothing to fix bugs and last and the least you destroy previous models intentionally to force people buy newer models.
Such as “buy Suunto 7 because Suunto 9 is outdated and full of bugs”Try to argue… good luck
but that’s not a nice answer to a friendly, helpful guy like @sartoric … -
@isazi my issue is about Suunto 9, my uncle has Spartan HR and I see the attempts to move bugs from 9 to Spartan. Hoping more cries would prevent Suunto team from doing it.
I’m not even Suunto employee
@TELE-HO I do not know him, and I do not want to discuss with him how to be polite… and even try to offend him somehow.
My post is about letting more people know Suunto is making shit on intent.
And I’m not the one to like such kind of replies as “who are you to write here like that, where you’ve been before”. -
what I see is that you did not raise a specific question that we could help you with but instead you placed one comment in 2 different threads. Multiple commenting doesn’t help so much, it (I’m honest) just annoys helpful forum users to read as it appears that someone “just” wants to drop things here and there.
I’m sure you’ll find help here if we know more about your issue.I can not judge if Suunto is doing things right or wrong. They’re doing business and they need to make money and they know that they must rely on customers to make sustainable business. Suunto can not publish their business plans of course, but what I appreciate in Suunto is that they have a very good customer service and that they listen and consider improvement suggestions.