Strap replacement for S5
Where can I get strap replacement for S5? Is it compatible with previous suunto trainer straps?
@adam12 These are special straps because of the external antenna. I am not aware of replacement sales. If yours is broken it is likely under warranty. I do not know if the Trainer straps are compatible.
isn’t the S5 housing based on the A3PS housing? I see wrist antenna, screwed wrist strap… any ambit strap could fit as it does not even have a baro, no?! -
The GPS antenna is part of the watch housing itself.
There are replacement straps that can be exchanged with a little screwdriver.Can’t attach a screenshot here as the forum gives me errors “parsing the attachment”…
@Egika I see Chinese characters on envelope
what about quality of this straps?
@TELE-HO I do not know if they are the same or not.
there are some suppliers, I’ve got a strap for S9B but don’t know the supplier by heart anymore.
I wear it since beginning of November 24/7 without any noticeable wear.My assumption is, they produce for Suunto and once the mold is worn they do “alternative” straps that do not meet the high quality of Suunto straps anymore (mold seams etc)… just a feeling
Basically china fortune’s roots for spare parts
usually … same mold, different (lower quality) materials, that could be good enough depending to how it’s used -
Hello, I know this topic is old. But trying to replace the strap on my S5. The straps I found online (mainly Amazon) have horrible reviews. Tried contacting Suunto, told me send it to repair but were not given an estimate and the time to get it repair is more than one month. So looking for alternative options outside from sending it to Suunto. So anyone has any recommendations on where to buy the straps?
Thank you for your help -
@MrCUBS when i was replacing my strap on ambit 2 i ordered from ebay. At least by packaging it looked like original suunto. Suunto talks a lot about sustainability, it would be sad if they don’t sell at least this basic spare parts for watch.
Always had good luck with straps from AliExpress for ambits, core and some Garmin’s.
Only time my Spartan Trainer strap broke I got one from this random website.
Genuine Suunto product too, black one is still there.
Thank you very much all for the suggestions
@The_77 said in Strap replacement for S5:
black one is still there
I already bought from them also some stuff.