Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result
@Egika said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
- I know and I read the threads in advance, but I am wondering why Suunto doesn’t listen to its customers?
They do!
They just don’t follow every single person’s advice, as these don’t all match.…ammm and the most voted topic is…?
@zvonejan said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Egika said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
- I know and I read the threads in advance, but I am wondering why Suunto doesn’t listen to its customers?
They do!
They just don’t follow every single person’s advice, as these don’t all match.…ammm and the most voted topic is…?
Dunno who voted. All of Suunto customers? Or some nerds that are so freaky to join a forum of a watch brand? 🤪
@zvonejan said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Egika said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
- I know and I read the threads in advance, but I am wondering why Suunto doesn’t listen to its customers?
They do!
They just don’t follow every single person’s advice, as these don’t all match.…ammm and the most voted topic is…?
…and…as stated by Dimitrois
"I think I need to iterate this over one more time. Voted topics are presented in the cross-chanel consumer feedback and are taken into account for feature prioritisation / weight.However that does not mean that because a topic has 1M votes it will be implemented.
I hope this is clear.
Typically in these long threads, people come back to add little value since there is none to be added here except voting. About 859 comments (or more) have I think covered the subject of a webinterface."
Can we please stop beating a dead horse and move on?
@Brad_Olwin No. Just no. I’m sure QS is a very fine interface, but Movescount Web was a significant factor in my decision to purchase the Spartan and arbitrarily discontinuing the service without offering an equivalent alternative is just not an acceptable way to treat customers. Even TomTom still has its sports watch web interface up and running – and TomTom is no longer even developing wearables!
Opening up to third party services may have been a great move on Suunto’s part, but scuppering its own web interface is an absolutely terrible one. And I really don’t see that this necessarily had to be an either-or thing. They could have given their customers both options in parallel, at least for several years.
@Brad_Olwin Absolutely. Moving on in the next few months, or possibly weeks. The only question is whether to Garmin or to Polar.
@Brad_Olwin said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
In my opinion opening up to 3rd parties was one of the best decisions Suunto made.
Sure, no doubt about it, but the worst one is to move its customers to a platform that doesn’t offer the same basic feature set as the old one
@RiphRaph said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Brad_Olwin Absolutely. Moving on in the next few months, or possibly weeks. The only question is whether to Garmin or to Polar.
I’m a hiker and In anticipation of Movescount going I’ve stopped using both my Ambit and Ambit 3 Peak and been ‘experimenting’ with Apple Watch with WorkOutDoors.
Wont be going back. WorkOutDoors is a stunning App. If you have an Apple Watch you’ve just got to try -
Out of curiosity, how many hours does the Apple watch battery last using it for navigation ? -
@RiphRaph said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Brad_Olwin No. Just no. I’m sure QS is a very fine interface, but Movescount Web was a significant factor in my decision to purchase the Spartan and arbitrarily discontinuing the service without offering an equivalent alternative is just not an acceptable way to treat customers.
Amen to that. While QS is great, it is not an official feature.
@sartoric I’ve got an Apple Watch 4 Cellular. It obviously depends how you use. I don’t refer to the vector mapping all that often as memorise my route well before I start off. Do use optical heart rate. After about three hours into a walk the battery on the watch is down to about 75% remaining
@Egika The most wanted feature is a Web Frontend, so I am wondering to whom they are listening.
The Alpine Skiing issue is a bug and should be fixed anyway, but in MC I was able to workaround this bug…
And I do plenty of Ski Touring the whole winter -
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Egika The most wanted feature is a Web Frontend, so I am wondering to whom they are listening.
That is easy. They listen only to themselves more or less. Do not know what they do with this votes for WEB frontend and how they disscus about that in internal meeting with product managers and developers
@zvonejan said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
Do not know what they do with this votes for WEB frontend and how they disscus about that in internal meeting with product managers and developers
Please all, try to stay in topic
The “features votes” subject has been already deeply discussed in several thread (last comment from @Brad_Olwin quoting @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yesterday) and it’s useless to start again here. -
@Bryan-Cook you can download mc app if you installed it sometime ago . Just go to App Store -> Account -> bought apps . You will find it on the list and you can install it again .
If you never installed in on iOS device then it isn’t possible to restore it .
@sartoric said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
Please all, try to stay in topic
WOW I got downvotes for asking to stay in topic … now I’m a real influencer
I have nothing against you or any moderators here. I realy appreciate your hard work and the fact that you have to deal with the wrath of us users. But, there is great dissatisfaction here from a lot of users, because we just can not face with this ‘strange’ situation. It is not simple, I am a suunto user for 8 years and I not used to be treated this way. But what can we do here, that is the way it is. Keep up a good work here (mods) and have a nice day
Just to clarify , I was kidding. I don’t care about downvotes
but to keep the discussion meaningful WE should avoid to go off-topic … too much
There are specific threads where we are discussing taken decisions or complaints and it isn’t worth to fill every discussion with the same “topics”
@Brad_Olwin Is there a thread or post with an official statement and explanation why there are no plans for a web frontend?
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
@Brad_Olwin Is there a thread or post with an official statement and explanation why there are no plans for a web frontend?
:D:D yeah right. dream on.Just a decision that this is not their priority because they know what we need and what is best for us and that is not WEB frontend. However Dimitri’s QS is realy nice if you look for summaries (one of the best). But we all want a closed ecosystem without opening five or more WEB pages and apps to see something.
@Mathias-Spoerr said in Migration to Suunto App in 04/2020 and very unhappy with the result:
Is there a thread or post with an official statement and explanation why there are no plans for a web frontend?
I personnally can’t remember any official statement (or i missed it). On the contrary of Structured Workout.
Thus, one can imagine that : no news is good news (and Suunto shows that they would never more promise something), the most voted post here is the WebSite one.
Why not dream it may come ? Or not…But also be satisfied of what one have, and don’t expect too much for any future, but just request politely and express polite opinions : latest decision is on Suunto side to give something or not, and on customer side to stay with Suunto or not.