New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2
@margusl said in New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2:
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2:
@margusl I am confused are you saying there are no sml files for ambits ? Till one month ago using suuntolink I could get those files also for Spartans and s9s
Correct, no SML files for Ambit line with latest Suuntolink. Just to be sure, tested before my previous post today with my A3P. And I’ve tested checked it only with Windows build, so there is theoretical possibility it’s different with Mac.
Great news, need a memory dump to get data.
I wonder if it is encrypted while residing in ram. -
@margusl I checked and I have them. (From one month ago that I used the ambit)
They are compressed gzip files .gz. Open them, perhaps short by date and size to figure it out better.
I can also load them to qs
They are synced with latest Suunto link and a3
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos @margusl is correct. I thoroughly explored my suuntolink folders after syncing my A3P, I am unable to find any .sml or .gzip/.gz files, despite the sync working.
Windows 10, SuuntoLink 3.1.3.
@margusl : Thank you for the guidance, I’ll give that a try!
@mountainherder but then how do I have those ?
I even have for Spartans and s series.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2:
@margusl I checked and I have them. (From one month ago that I used the ambit)
They are compressed gzip files .gz. Open them, perhaps short by date and size to figure it out better.
I can also load them to qs
They are synced with latest Suunto link and a3
I checked it again, still the same Win 10 system, this time with a clean Suuntolink install:
- uninstall Suuntolink ( 3.1.3 )
- clean up %LOCALAPPDATA%\Suuntolink ( C:\Users\user\AppData\Local )
- clean up %APPDATA%\Suuntolink ( C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming )
- clean up %APPDATA%\Suunto ( to remove Moveslink2 )
- download installer,
- installs to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Suuntolink , still the same version - 3.1.3
- stores files at %APPDATA%\Suuntolink
Content of %APPDATA%\Suuntolink after connecting A3P , providing Suunto App credentials to Suuntolink and syncing whole watch logbook:
. ├── Cache │ ├── data_0 │ ├── data_1 │ ├── data_2 │ ├── data_3 │ ├── f_000001 │ ├── f_000002 │ ├── f_000003 │ ├── f_000004 │ ├── f_000005 │ └── index ├── Code Cache │ └── js │ ├── index │ └── index-dir │ └── the-real-index ├── Cookies ├── Cookies-journal ├── Devices.xml ├── GPUCache │ ├── data_0 │ ├── data_1 │ ├── data_2 │ ├── data_3 │ └── index ├── KompostiSettings.xml ├── Local Storage │ └── leveldb │ ├── 000003.log │ ├── CURRENT │ ├── LOCK │ ├── LOG │ ├── LOG.old │ └── MANIFEST-000001 ├── Network Persistent State ├── Preferences ├── QuotaManager ├── QuotaManager-journal ├── ServiceAdapter.xml ├── Session Storage │ ├── 000003.log │ ├── CURRENT │ ├── LOCK │ ├── LOG │ ├── LOG.old │ └── MANIFEST-000001 ├── SuuntolinkLauncher.log ├── TransportSecurity ├── blob_storage │ └── 3aa5b828-38e7-42fb-b3a6-ed97f5892a7f ├── cacert.pem ├── databases │ ├── Databases.db │ └── Databases.db-journal ├── descr+AA############00+2.4.17 ├── library.xml ├── sds.log ├── sgee.7d ├── suuntoapp.log ├── suuntolink.log ├── suuntolink_data.json └── suuntolink_ui.log 11 directories, 51 files
Only trace of synced activities (apart from *.log -s) is in suuntolink_data.json , there’s a syncedLogs array of activity timestamps. Spartan and S-line owners seem to refer to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Suunto\Suuntolink , but this does not exist for for Ambit users. creating it manually doesn’t make any difference.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos , perhaps you have some developer / testing build or have a some tweaks in config files, but for us this is how production release behaves with Ambits.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2:
@mountainherder but then how do I have those ?
I even have for Spartans and s series.
To me it makes perfect sense, SML-files are part of Movescount infrastructure. Suuntolink still syncs Spartans and S with Movescount, isn’t it?
As I said before, there were SML files for Ambits before Suuntolink (for Ambits!) switched from Movescount to Suuntolink. And it wasn’t just API endpoint that was changed, with SL ver 3, whole (or better part of) watch sync stack (for Ambits!) was replaced, that completely changed how things worked. Before it was basically a Moveslink2 with different UI.
I though you didn’t have A3P … you really tested Suuntolink (v3!) with any of the Ambits?
@margusl I get back to this. It can be some developer flag.
I have checked my 3,5 weeks old last sync with ambit and saw the sml.
I will install normal production version and report back before I make you waste more time.
Sorry. I am on vacation and my ambit is not with me.
However I wonder if you have the Android app of those are there for ambits that are for spartans and s series. Some users get em from there.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos , yes, we do get smlzips on Android with A3P / Traverse - .
Not sure if they follow the same structure as for Spartans and S. Though most SML tools still expect classic Moveslink2-style XML SMLs, while smlzips are zipped (not gz-ed) jsons (samples.json, summary.json) . And last time I checked those smlzips still lacked power. And it doesn’t matter much for Ambit1 / 2 users. -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos, just to give you one more data point: @margusl’s folder structure is very similar to mine after syncing my watch.
. ├── ./blob_storage │ └── ./blob_storage/d76f0e9d-4ea0-45a6-9791-f9d310b318c4 ├── ./cacert.pem ├── ./Cache │ ├── ./Cache/data_0 │ ├── ./Cache/data_1 │ ├── ./Cache/data_2 │ ├── ./Cache/data_3 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000001 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000002 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000003 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000004 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000005 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000006 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000007 │ ├── ./Cache/f_000008 │ └── ./Cache/index ├── ./Code Cache │ └── ./Code Cache/js │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/2ab3d68638e1f582_0 │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/61eb8826be844072_0 │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/815d3f396b507780_0 │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/8aaa4c58c851cb5d_0 │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/c719a65d0471102d_0 │ ├── ./Code Cache/js/index │ └── ./Code Cache/js/index-dir │ └── ./Code Cache/js/index-dir/the-real-index ├── ./Cookies ├── ./Cookies-journal ├── ./databases │ ├── ./databases/Databases.db │ └── ./databases/Databases.db-journal ├── ./descr+################+2.4.17 ├── ./Devices.xml ├── ./GPUCache │ ├── ./GPUCache/data_0 │ ├── ./GPUCache/data_1 │ ├── ./GPUCache/data_2 │ ├── ./GPUCache/data_3 │ └── ./GPUCache/index ├── ./KompostiSettings.xml ├── ./library.xml ├── ./Local Storage │ └── ./Local Storage/leveldb │ ├── ./Local Storage/leveldb/000003.log │ ├── ./Local Storage/leveldb/CURRENT │ ├── ./Local Storage/leveldb/LOCK │ ├── ./Local Storage/leveldb/LOG │ ├── ./Local Storage/leveldb/LOG.old │ └── ./Local Storage/leveldb/MANIFEST-000001 ├── ./Network Persistent State ├── ./Preferences ├── ./QuotaManager ├── ./QuotaManager-journal ├── ./sds.log ├── ./ServiceAdapter.xml ├── ./Session Storage │ ├── ./Session Storage/000003.log │ ├── ./Session Storage/CURRENT │ ├── ./Session Storage/LOCK │ ├── ./Session Storage/LOG │ ├── ./Session Storage/LOG.old │ └── ./Session Storage/MANIFEST-000001 ├── ./sgee.7d ├── ./suuntoapp.1.log ├── ./suuntoapp.log ├── ./suuntolink_data.json ├── ./SuuntolinkLauncher.log ├── ./suuntolink.log ├── ./suuntolink_ui.log └── ./TransportSecurity 11 directories, 60 files
I was able to follow the instructions @margusl provided and extract the sml files via MovesLink (for use in GoldenCheetah). Thanks for looking into this!
i am not that skilled in info tech, but no SML in Suuntolink folder for my Ambit one neither. I get them from Android (if i need, but in fact i use the fit file now from SA
A bit off topic here, but just to comment on something i tried and it works = change a workout Ascent and Descent total in SA.
- Switch off internet connection on Android smartphone before syncing workout
- Edit and save the summary.json file into the files and change ascent/descent values for the global workout (not all laps/splits ascent value).
- Once internet is on again, SA will sync to servers and new ascent is saved.
i find no way to change after syncing to servers.
Also a question. Are you syncing to SA with the Ambit or to Movescount?
Another question OSX/Win ?
I am going to ask Suunto for this since I am still in Germany and cannot help.
Are temperature graphs still there?
Guys if you are on windows are you looking into
*.json and *.json.gz files.
? -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Yes. For me the only file .json file is
There are none in the sub-directories. That file consists of the following (with tokens and unique identifiers redacted):
{ "language": "en", "recommended_config_checked": true, "slversion": "3.1.3", "devices": { "################": { "name": "Suunto Ambit3 Peak", "manufacturerName": "", "askoAccessToken": "", "askoRefreshToken": "", "askoUser": "username", "syncedLogs": [ 1595490873, 1595142447, 1591985815, 1592062177, 1592155549, 1592329067, 1592418024, 1592589666, 1592675773, 1592849754, 1592897531, 1593109625, 1593199763, 1593253985, 1593452909, 1593544075, 1593627150, 1593709463, 1593878758, 1593974145, 1594064561, 1594148438, 1594325551, 1594406503, 1594555052, 1594836687, 1594921100, 1595100948 ], "syncTime": 1595551558217, "userkey": "####################################", "email": "", "manufacturer": "" } }, "toggles": { "autostart_suuntolink": false } }
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos , that’s exactly where those file lists we provided above are from.
Thanks. I’ll ask and investigate this for you
For A3P (pid001b) sample id 31 bike power (uint16) data type is same as on S series, there shouldn’t be a reason whatsoever for excluding it from transfer to SA, uint16 is datatype on S9B because thats how is transfered from powerpod(s).
@lexterm77 said in New Suuntolink to Replace Moveslink2:
there shouldn’t be a reason whatsoever for excluding it from transfer to SA
Oh but Suuntolink does not exclude power data, samples are sent to SA service, though summary values (min/max/avg) are indeed missing -
Apparently it doesn’t make much difference at SA service end nor in app itself.The way I see it, roles and responsibilities between Suuntolink and Suunto App are quite different when comparing data flows during syncing, at least for Ambits.
Suuntolink uses different API endpoint for syncing activities, something specifically crafted only for Ambit line (or at least it seemes it’s currently used only for Ambit line). So Suuntolink is free to send out pretty much anything it can and crafting something SA-compatible out of it is the role for that Amibit-specific-API-endpoint. In a way it’s quite neat, in theory it adds possibility to add Ambit-specific pieces to Suuntolink sync layer without touching that part in mobile apps (less braking changes and test cases for SA, less affected users when something goes wrong). And handling most of that data processing/transforming at server side with a piece that only affects Ambit users has the same benefit, there’s less risk breaking things for majority of users. And generally such proxy layers are also helpful for keeping down the complexity of data models.
But for end users it just means that if something is taken as granted for Spartans/S-line, it might take a looong time (infinity in the worst case) before it gets (re)implented for Ambits in SA.
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