Custom Sport Modes - GPS for Indoor Cycling?!
I’m not sure if anyone else has this issue. I bought an indoor trainer for my bicycle, which has a Bluetooth power/cadence sensor that I managed to pair to my Suunto Spartan Ultra.
I’m not sure why, but when I made a custom sport mode for indoor cycling (to see cadence, power etc.), this mode tries to track the activity using GPS (even if I switch GPS off in pre-workout options on the watch).
Does anyone else have this problem, and know how to solve it? I don’t really want my indoor cycling to be recorded like outdoor cycling - it has messed up the data (e.g. time spent doing an activity) before. All I want the custom indoor cycling mode to do is work like the basic indoor cycling mode!
@Charles-Evans what watch are you using ?
@Charles-Evans - I don’t have your watch, so don’t know if this is feasible (basing off Suunto 7 options).
When you create custom mode are you customizing it from the indoor workout, or are you using a custom workout option (suunto 7 allows both)? I suspect that if you customize the indoor workout it would ensure no use of GPS, whereas a pure custom mode probably isn’t set up to ignore/switch off GPS (like the indoor modes do).
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos assume " I managed to pair to my Suunto Spartan Ultra." based on what he wrote
Then I think it’s possible to turn off the GPS on the sport mode options
@Charles-Evans never had that problem with S9B , or Ambits… GPS was always off for indoor cycling custom sport mode…
Are you sure you’re using Indoor Cycling as it is ?
GPS is turned off by default and can (as @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said) be turned off -
@Charles-Evans may I ask which trainer you have? I’m using a TACX Neo and have a Suunto 9 BARO but I’m not able to get power pod connected at the begin of a workout, even if I was able to pair the sensor first in the settings
Speed/Cadence Sensor, HR-Belt all OK. Even if I drop all of them and try power sensor only it was found but in the workout it wont pair then. Also used indoor cycling in SA as base for custom workout.
@Charles-Evans I just created a quick custom indoor cycling mode for my SSU (via Movescount) and noticed that, along with the GPS Accuracy initially set to “Best”, Alti-Baro is initially set to “Altimeter”, thereby using the GPS. Did you switch that to “Barometer”? Perhaps you need to do both?
Even with “Barometer” chosen in the custom, “This sport mode uses: FusedAlti”. Neither the default Basic nor Power have that footer. Something there relevant to SA or is that just MC custom mode boilerplate?
Habe auch Probleme,
Sensor von Sportstracker POD
Im selbst gemachten Indoor cycling Modus,
Suunto 9 BaroTrittfrequenz funktioniert,
Speed nicht!
GPS will sich einschalten. Bin aber im Keller!Danke für Hilfe