Random reboots of the Suunto 7 during recording an activity
@Robert_mp You were able to use the map view whilst tracking an activity?
What were/are your other settings in the watch (AoD, Tilt to Wake, Tap to Wake, etc… as many as you can give).
I would love to be able to use the map view, but on mine it turns the ‘power saver tilt’ back on and causes it to crash.
@olymay said in Random reboots of the Suunto 7 during recording an activity:
@Robert_mp You were able to use the map view whilst tracking an activity?
What were/are your other settings in the watch (AoD, Tilt to Wake, Tap to Wake, etc… as many as you can give).
I would love to be able to use the map view, but on mine it turns the ‘power saver tilt’ back on and causes it to crash.
Hi @olymay . Yes, as I said before, I’ve used the map a lot during the activity I was tracking.
Other settings: airplane mode on, AoD on, tilt to wake off, tap to wake off, Map always active off, brightness auto (and low), gps 10s.Have you done what @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos told us? To desactivate ‘power save tilt’ option and reboot the watch… Then check the option is off.
I’ve checked this before and after my activity. The option was OFF in both cases. -
@Robert_mp Thanks for the info
Yes, I have done what @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos suggested and it worked. However, for me, using the map during an activity overrides this and turns ‘power saver tilt’ back on.
I have some differences in my settings to yours…
Aeroplane mode: OFF
Tilt to Wake: OFF
Tap to Wake: OFF
Map always active: ON
Brightness: AUTO
GPS: 1s
I also play music from my watch via Bluetooth headphones.I only run for a max of two hours so battery saving isn’t a concern.
If I do not go to the map view, all is ok. Going to map view reactivates ‘power saver tilt’ and it crashes.
If I turn ON ‘power saver tilt’ and try a a run, it crashes on the default data screen.
I am confident it is the ‘power saver tilt’ causing the issues. -
On Saturday I experienced that my Suunto 7 rebooted for the first time during an activity. I have had my watch since 31th of January and have tracked more than 160 activities with the watch. Since the September update I have tracked several runs while using the navigation. I have swiped from the main screen to the map screen, zoomed in and zoomed out on the map, let the watch turn on the power save AOD, reactivited the full color display and so on. There has been no problems, untill Saturday.
On Saturday I imported a route into the Suunto app on my phone, synced the route to the watch and went out for a hike. I walked maybe 1.5 km before getting to the point where my loaded route started. After maybe one more km I noticed that when swiping between the map screen, the altitude screen and data screen, the watch was responding extremely slow and the screens were changing like in slow motion. I walked maybe another km and then noticed that the watch rebooted. The activity had been saved and was synced to the Suunto app. In the Suunto app there is however no HR or ascent/descent info.
I hope this was a one time thing.
So I’ve had another play with the watch today (whilst on a boring conference call with work, shhhh, don’t tell anyone!).
I tried again with the settings I listed in my previous post. Once I scrolled to the map screen, it was game over, the app crashes. Upon checking the settings, ‘power saver tilt’ was turned back on.
I turned it off and tried again. This time it would crash in the default data screen (and it would not go into low power display). Again, the ‘power save tilt’ had turned itself back on.
I had to restart (not a full reset) the watch in order to remedy this.
I then tried another activity track, but this time I turned the Map Always Active to OFF. This time I was able to scroll to the map screen and back to the default screen and it did not crash. I cycled it round a number of times, varying the length of time and varying if I let the map go into low power mode or not. It worked every time.
This may be yet further narrowing down of the fault.
Can someone else, maybe @Robert_mp, try tracking an activity with Map Always Active set to ON please?
Any help we can give to the developers could help them resolve the issue sooner
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Thanks for the info.
I have tried tracking an activity (again, from sat at my desk) with these settings both on and off and I can confirm that it has worked for me.
When it crashed, I checked my settings and the ‘power saver tilt’ was again turned on, despite my having turned it off.
When it worked OK (with the settings shown turned off) the ‘power saver tilt’ stayed turned off.So, it appears that some settings (map always on, WearOS notification settings) can force ‘power saver tilt’ to turn back on.
I use these WearOS notification settings, so this is certainly not an acceptable permanent solution.
I believe this is still a problem with ‘power saver tilt’.
@olymay - what watch face are you using? Are you using one of the suunto power save watch faces? If so have you tried with another watch face, as it should automatically disable power save tilt?
@olymay said in Random reboots of the Suunto 7 during recording an activity:
I can confirm that it has worked for me.
what do you mean?
@Jamie-BG I am using the ‘Heatmap’ watch face. It is beautiful and it is the one I want to use.
I am prepared to make only so many concessions when using a £400 smartwatch, and using a watch face I do not like is not one of them, sorry.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos In your message before mine, the one with the screen shot. I turned off both of those settings and was able to track an activity, following a route, scrolling to the map screen AND had map always on turned ON. The app did not crash because it did not force ‘power saver tilt’ to turn ON.
@olymay - I am not suggesting as permanent fix, but it may be the cause of the issue as to why power save tilt switches back on, and knowing whether it does this with or without this type of watchface may give the devs a better idea of the cause and thus enable the fix to be found quicker.
@Jamie-BG Sorry, my last reply came across sharper than I intended.
I have now tried with a non Suunto watch face.
I tried with all of the combinations I have previously mentioned (I have done them so many times now I don’t even to refer to my notes anymore!) and I can confirm that the choice of watch face had no impact on the result.
@olymay but you still have the issue after those optins where disabled (at my screenshot above)?
Just making sure
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos sorry, I waffled a bit.
After I turned off the notification settings in your screenshot, I no longer had the issue of the app crashing during an activity.
I now have two options before my next run (maybe tomorrow):
On the Watch, turn OFF the always on map in the Suunto Wear App: Power saving>Display>Always-on-map
On the phone, turn OFF both of the notification settings in the WearOS app: Notifications>Silence phone while wearing watch>Silence incoming calls & Silence alerts and notifications
Both of these seem to allow an activity to track and use the map screen without forcing the ‘power saver tilt’ to reactivate and crash the app.
I can also confirm that the choice of watch face has NO impact on the watch crashing, for better or worse.
Hi @olymay and @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos , yesterday I made a small test (25min walking, 2,2 km). All was ok, NO crashing… but maybe it was too short.
Sport mode: custom of walking with: 4 fields screen, 4 fields screen, map screen
Exit the app while recording: yes
Phone call: no
Music controls: yes
Follow a route: yes
Always on map: enabled and disabled (mostly enabled, but I tried to change between both options to test a bit more)
AoD: on
Tilt to wake: off
Tap to wake: off
Power save tilt: off (I checked before the activity, during the activity some times, and in the end of it, that this option was all the time OFF and it didn’t changed to ON)During the activity I changed lots of times to the map view, and it was fluent while I was operating with the watch. I only had lag on the summary of the activity when I finished (I experience this always)
What I also experienced, but maybe is a different point to this thread, is that if I had “map always on” activated, when I changed to a screen different from the map, let it go to save battery mode, and the forced it on again, when I changed to the map view, it turned back to 200m zoom (it doesn’t keep the last one), and it was like it loaded the map again. With “map always on” desactivated, I haven’t experienced this issue.
After a few days of rest, I went for another run today.
Sports mode: Basic run tracking a route
GPS: 1s
Aeroplane: OFF
Tilt to wake: OFF
Tap to wake: OFF
Map always active: ON
Power saver tilt: OFF
Brightness: AUTO
Music streaming to BT headphones and controlled from headphones.These were exactly the same settings as I reported on the 2nd November, with one key difference.
This time, I followed the advice in @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos post and I turned off the silence notification settings in WearOS on my phone.Everything worked perfectly!! I was able to use all of the screens, including the map screen, and the data screens always returned to the low power mode and did not crash the app.
I have checked and can confirm that ‘power saver tilt’ has NOT been turned back on.It’s not ideal, but at least I now have a usable interim solution until Suunto roll out the proper fix for this problem.
If anyone else is still experiencing the app crashing, please try and this ‘fix’ and let me know how you get on
Hi all,
I am experiencing the same problem, tried different settings, no luck. But what I find the worst is the response I got from suunto. I sent it to have it fixed, described it thoroughly, and…they sent it back to me, with a note that it works fine for them.I read here it’s a known issue, yet authorized customer service is not giving a beep about it. So they just can’t fix it and so they pretend there’s no issue? That’s so lame. Can’t use it, can’t even sell it cause I don’t want to sell a buggy device. Sorry suunto, never again. They should return money or offer replacement, but they prefer to lose clients.
@Piotrd sorry for your experience.
Have you tried what we’ve figured out in this topic:
- Go to settings -> gestures -> disable “power saving tilt” and reboot the watch after that
- On your mobile phone in WearOs App go to Notifications -> Silence phone while wearing watch, and check that options there are disabled
After that there were no problems for me with S7
@Piotrd i was having this exact same issue and I can confirm that what @pavel-samokha suggests works (at least it does for me). Give it a try and see how you get on.
I understand there is a fix for this coming soon