Has your S7 ever crashed in the middle of an exercise? How can you resume a hike after a restart?
@jamie-bg I play sports exclusively in airplane mode, so I don’t think it affects the function of the watch at the moment, or am I wrong?
@jamie-bg Thanks for your reply!
yes actually, i forgot and left “do not disturb” on.Hopefully that helps the troubleshoot! I will leave do not disturb on next weekend to see if I can replicate it.
You also made be remember that I put on an insane amount of waypoints for this trail just because i’m new and I wanted to test out adding waypoints.
Important Piece of New Information: This is the only trail I added waypoints. There were 20 waypoints in a 15km trail.
The GPX was downloaded from Alltrails and the waypoints were added in the Suunto phone app.This is all the information from the outing:
- Les Goudes, Col de la Selle and Col du Brès Loop
GPX file obtained from: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/france/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/circuit-les-goudes-col-de-la-selle-et-col-du-bres - GPX File with all waypoints added https://api.sports-tracker.com/apiserver/v2/routes/export/bW9vRXJ1TW9rbmxhVXlnbXhGbmpkY0wwcjBmSUZ6MFp1S2VrTnJNZ2w0dz0=?brand=SUUNTOAPP
- The hike where the watch crashed and I restarted the hike
Side note (Nothing to do with my issue list): I was wondering why i wasn’t getting off route/wrong way/waypoints vibrates and realized that i had “do not disturb” on. Noob mistake
sidenote 2: i know it’s bad on the battery to keep checking the map constantly but it’s a bad habit of mine. This is the real reason why i bought the watch so I can preserve my phone battery for other uses like droning, social, and other daily use cases.
Sad reality is that I don’t really want to change that habit because i like checking the map. Maybe when I turn off do not disturb and get off route messages then I will use the map less.We like to do multiple smaller trails in different areas in a weekend versus the 1 big trail like other users.
- Les Goudes, Col de la Selle and Col du Brès Loop
@martin-vrska Prior to latest update if you had the silence notification set on the wear os phone app (to silence phone while connected to watch) this was what was causing the watch app to crash.This is supposed to be fixed, so if you had this setting on and it was crashing, you could try it with it off, and maybe it isn’t as fixed as suunto had thought. Good place to at least start.
@jamie-bg Thanks for the idea, but as I write in another thread: during sports I have my watch in flight mode and then the Wear OS setting should not affect (?).
@martin-vrska didn’t matter previously whether watch was in plane mode or not. It was something to do with setting the silence phone setting on the phones wear os app. I suspect somewhere it triggers a setting in the watch that caused and issue - supposed to be fixed, but if you do have that on, and you are crashing, it would be good to check if you don’t crash if it is off (maybe it isn’t as fixed as thought it was).
@jamie-bg OK, I can try
@eurohiker went for a hike today, more or less 17 kilometers on the Dutch coast, circa 4:30 hours walking (including breaks during which I didn’t stop the watch), route loaded and spent all the time in the map field. My watch did not crash, sorry
I also had many waypoints, created the route with plotaroute and had it include a waypoint for every turn, so also lots of notifications for that. -
@fenr1r I did cross some frozen lakes without skates
@eurohiker Today running 21km, 1:42 hours, route created in Suunto, route navigation. Occasionally stopped, occasionally a map view, notifications in OS wear off, no watch notifications, flight mode. Everything without problems - satisfaction
@isazi @martin-vrska thanks for trying!
I’m hoping it was just an anomaly that won’t happen again until they update diary to let us resume after any technical issues like strava (fingers crossed) It’s all saved in diary so we should be able to use that and resume even if we aren’t at that exact gps coordinate. Strava just does a straight line the next starting point (doesn’t look the best but it’s better than nothing).
TDLR tech isn’t perfect which means there needs to be safety nets