70 sport modes and no bouldering
My Suunto 7 has 70 sport modes (different sports). Today I’m ready to give a try to bouldering and I thought “ok, I’ll record with the watch so I can track my sessions in Suunto App”.
No luck. There is no option to track boulder. The only way is to record as “indoor activity”.
Seriously Suunto? We can track a lot of sports like … frisbee!!! But no boulder
@jorgefd78 on the S9 I have a custom sport mode derived from Climbing and named “Indoor Climbing” that I use (but climbing gyms have been closed for 3 months now).
@isazi I thought to use climbing in my s7 but this sports mode has GPS on and you cannot disable it as you can in S9
@jorgefd78 this topic came out few times already. I would like Suunto to provide a general Indoor Climbing sport mode that does not use GPS and is modeled on indoor sports.
But the problem is, as always, we will all have different requests even for something this simple
@jorgefd78 remove gps from settings would pretty much do the same thing. Won’t drain battery
but who knows about calories consumption, I’m guessing 5 minutes of Boulder it’s way more heavy than 5 minutes of climbing. (unless you are climbing something impossibile…)
@andrea-minoia totally agree with you but at least we could quantify boulder sessions to have statistics in the app
@jorgefd78 actually garmin also didn’t have bouldering for the longest time, added it just recently. Well, maybe suunto will follow the lead. I actually quite like how it’s done there: you can manually count ascends as well as choose a difficulty of a boulder problem ( same for climbing).