So, what are you going to do after Movescount closes?
I find my watch pretty perform-ish to be honest.
It’s not only about the products to streamline but mainly about the hard and software in the background that need to be maintained. This is frequent cost and needs to be optimised, too. -
Yea, I get it. I just hope it works. I’m still on Suunto b/c of the hardware quality, the simplicity of the UI, and the GPS accuracy. If you’ve read any of my posts, I’m not in the category of most of you guys. It’s a backcountry nav tool for me, and nothing else. Yes, the GPS tracks after the fact are neat, but not necessary for me. Training, zero interest/need. But I get that targeting the rest of the folks that do use those features are the majority and where the $ is for sales.But, I hope they are doing more than a poll on this forum, and I’m sure they are. Listening to the majority of users needs to be tempered with market and competitor research b/c ‘majority of users’ will typically result in building a product or service around the complainers…like me
@chrish The POI management is fully functional. I would not consider the “beta” builds to be what one might call beta. I have not ever been on the App Store release. There are occasionally some annoying bugs but most of those never make it to the beta. The field testers see the “beta” at least a week prior to general public release. I see no reason not to use the beta builds.
@freeheeler said in So, what are you going to do after Movescount closes?:
And that’s what I mean @Ramón-Castañer-Botella with keeping up with competitors. It does not mean to supply the most capable watch, it means to listen what the majority of users needs, plus some pros of course… and then adapt your product range to the market needs.
I am sure that Suunto is listening to their customer needs.
Now those needs should be better than just listing what is available elsewhere.
I do hope that Suunto is cooking their next innovations right now. Things nobody is thinkig of at the moment! Like when they came out with Fused Track.
For normal users it is difficult to think beyond the things you know.
For Suuntos innovation managers it should be their daily work and this is what gets you ahead of competition - not implementing stuff already available. This is what market followers do… -
@brad_olwin I totally agree. The “beta” works flawlessly.
Thanks! That’s good to know. But I don’t have a watch that it supports right now. Still on the A3P. So using the app and the POI features wouldn’t be of much benefit, other than to play w/ it I guess. But, that may mean jumping on an S9 in late March before my discount code expires if they offer enough to double up and get the price down. Otherwise, I may wait for whatever comes next, S9 ‘next version’, whatever they call it.
there was a daydeal in one online shop in Switzerland recently. S9B Titanium Ambassador for 499,- instead of 728,- CHF. Discount limited to 500 pieces.
I guess you’ll find discounts like that every now and then.
I am a convinced user of one watch only… that’s why I gave my A3PS to a good friend of mine. But who knows what’s coming up, maybe I’ll go for 2 watches anyway eventually -
Wow. Yea, I’d pretty likely jump on the Ambassador edition if it went on sale between now and end of March. I really want a customized S9B though…basically a S9B, titanium bezel, gray case, brown leather band for day wear and a secondary nylon band for trail use. But the customized model hardly ever goes on sale, maybe once a year IIRC, so might not be in the cards for me. We’ll see what March brings, almost here. Murphy’s law says that they won’t announce anything new and get it up for order before the loyalty discount expires…but a $400-450 S9B might be a good stop-gap until the next big thing comes out.
@prenj said in So, what are you going to do after Movescount closes?:
don’t need watch from company that thinks that it’s entitled to, when they choose to do so, disable some functions of my watch
exactly, couldn’t say it better!
@chrish s9b titanium is 14% discounted in germany if I recall correctly, is customizable too.
@дима-мельниченко thanks! i’ll check it out. the s9b entire line was recently on sale here in the US for 30%-ish off and I was ready to ‘stack’ my loyalty 30% and buy when these S9 Peak rumors started. while a discount is good, if I’m going to get more functionality even at full price, I decided to wait and see what happens.
What to do now that Movescount has closed? I haven’t figured yet.
Owner of the Ambit 3 Peak since 2016, I don’t have a smartphone. Even if, would I look at tracks (maybe high mountain paths) on a smartphone screen? with no keyboard and mouse?
For the moment I upload the .sml files to Runalyze which, although reads all RR intervals correctly, appears to do differently from Movecount in smoothing/fitering/averaging data series.Add to that, a few days ago I mistakenly deleted my watch from “My watches” in my Movescount account so now I’m not able to connect it back any more and so no more customizations.
So long for now,
… -
@jgeronimo if I’m not mistaking, you don’t need a smartphone all the time as an ambit user. You just need to create an account in SA and connect to 3d party of your choice like runalize or training peaks. That’s it, your workouts will automatically sync and you can use desktop versions as much as you want. Sure you won’t get all of original functions, but it’s still something, right?
I think @JGeronimo is a bit annoyed that he can’t setup his watch anymore… but I would expect that there should be a way to reconnect the watch to someone’s profile… I’m not the right guy to help here as I gave my A3PS away and can not test, sorry.
But it is as you say, the situation for Ambit users is not extremely comfy, but it is way better than I’ve expected at first -
@jgeronimo Try to reconnect your watch using the SuuntoLink. AFAIK, that is the way. I do not know, however, if you can link it to an existing account (I would say yes, but only guessing). As others pointed out, you will surely miss Movescount (I do), but you can do a lot using runalyze or the excellent QS from @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
Good luck and keep enjoying such an excellent watch.
@jgeronimo as @Efejota said, you should be able to reconnect your watch to your Movescount account with SuuntoLink. However you will need a Suunto app account which cannot be registered using SuuntoLink (just with the mobile app), see more details here. If you don’t already have a Suunto app account, you could ask a friend with a smartphone to help you out with registration.
Update: as @Дима-Мельниченко mentioned, you can connect Suunto app to Runalyze directly and then moves will be transferred automatically when you sync your watch with Suunto app or SuuntoLink.
well, here we go. loyalty discount burned. new charcoal model on the way.
@andrasveres and others who took the time to answer, thank you.
At the end I surrendered to the corruption of modern gadgets and got a smartphone (fooling myself with the excuse that “I also use it for work”)…
just to discover that I can’t sync to MovesCount those moves recorded after MovesLink was abandoned.
Looking at maps on a smartphone screen, although 6.3", is frustrating and using any software on a computer, with screen, mouse, and keyboard, is way more practical than on a smartphone.
… -
So now Suunto app route planner will work for ambits too? It’s a bit confusing the way it’s written. Did they mean ambit users will be able create route in Suunto app, but will have to sync them using Suunto link anyway? No direct sync of routes to watch using bluetooth for ambit3?