Ambit3 Peak elevation gain
the total of 3 days is 600m off? 200m per day? Or was it 600m each day of the total ascent that was wrong? And by how much is the start altitude wrong?
Because I can see on my S9B frequently that the start alti is about 10m too low… it looks weird on the graph for roundtrips but is well within tolerance for me -
@freeheeler second day : 600 meters more, third day : 500 more. Starting altitude was always 150-200 meters less
do you like to share once more your recordings with us after the upload to QS?
I know it might not help, but I would still like to understand it a bit more.
Maybe you should get in touch with support and check what their opinion is about that. -
@freeheeler sure, am attaching the 2 tours.
PS: the watch already did a trip to Finland and returned back, Suunto said there was no issue
Starting point was in both tours at 2694 meters
do you have a link, too?
is the descent at the beginning correct?
strange that the watch obviously does not have an issue in the laboratory but in reality… -
@freeheeler yes initial descent are correct, but altitude is wrong
here the links!
If the absolute altitude is correct (determined by satellite), but the altitude sum and the temperature are incorrect, the pressure sensor is defective.
the peak alti is correct, the end alti is correct but the start alti is wrong, also the graph is wrong and the summary is wrong, too…
have you been charged for the watches trip to Vantaa?
Or is it still under warranty?
a few meters off is within tolerance in my opinion (start, absolute and total…). But what you present here is not acceptable and I would have my watch checked again from the customer service. Try to attach this information and describe your observation.PLUS, halfway between Cabane Bertol and the Glacier next to Arolla there’s an unrealistic track with 2 straight lines…
By the way: great tour.I was at the Cabane Bertol in summer… many summers ago
@freeheeler thanks ! indeed it was a great tour
yes am still under warranty, I will try to send it again
@zzmike76 small update: sent the watch back home to Vantaa , this time they replaced the pressure sensor! I did not test it yet, but have a skitouring week ahead
conditions are great at the moment! enjoy it!