differ eleve gain in suunto app
@s-pichi it depends of the devices you are comparing.
Are both with barometer? My guess is that one is with a non barometer device. In a rolling course if the changes aren’t superior to ±7m the suunto watch won’t register that elevation.
We need more info: devices you are comparing, climate conditions, wrist right or left the suunto? if correction of elevation is on in Garmin web…
If you have a barometer devices check the sensor is clean.
@bulkan for this case , i do not yet imported this route to device .
Just in first step that importing to route in suunto app and getting the gain like above . -
@s-pichi just to be clear, this is from a GPX file created in GC and imported into SA, or a GPX file imported in both GC and SA? And can you provide the GPX file to check?
@isazi this is a GPX file imported in both GC and SA.
the gpx file is as belowhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1iIuJ0y9EG5TbmDngnMP96WsjhvO5tmB6/view?usp=sharing
@s-pichi thanks, I will look at it.
I will try few different tools and if the majority is different from SA will fill in a bug with Suunto.
This is the same with other route planning apps as well
Even when you track an activity with a Suunto watch and then import the track into GC and SA.
GC has 10-20% more ascent.I do not know why and no idea which app is right.
In my case, the SA indications agree with the data of the race organizers, and the GC indications are underestimated.
So far I tried Komoot and Plotaroute. Komoot finds two different tracks in the file, one having ascent equal to 2540 and the other to 1760. Plotaroute finds only one route with ascent of 2880.
With https://www.j-berkemeier.de/ShowGPX.html there are the attached results …
And using gpx.studio gives an ascent of 3198.
Another update on this, I just wrote a simple script in Python to manually compute ascent and descent of all tracks and routes contained in a GPX file, and the result for this file is 3598 meters of ascent and descent.
This is the same number that we can see in SA. So simply SA does not apply any filter to the data, and counts every meter of ascent of the GPX file.
Conclusion: I will not open a bug with Suunto. Maybe not very sophisticated, but the SA implementation is coherent with the data.