Ambit Apps showdown!
@Brad_Olwin When stating “present in SuuntoPlus”, that should be followed by “in SuuntoPlus compatible watches”, which is not all Suunto watches and not all that are currently being sold, some of which cost a hefty amount of $.
@jsuarez The message from the OP on this particular post was referring to the S9B stating this Hope in the future the S9B can have something like this apps, so much flexibility (through suunto plus?), so I answered. Since this was directly addressing the S9B there was no need to qualify the SuuntoPlus statements.
Back to my concern regarding new limitations following Suuntolink update which doesn’t allow to create or edit suunto apps anymore.
As mention in this topic, I use Suunto apps mainly for interval training and I created a fully configurable Suunto app to handle most interval session I use.
This Suunto app was private because I used to adjust variable values according to my interval session (you cannot edit a public Suunto app when someone else use it).Now, as I cannot edit those variables, my app is useless.
So I reworked the interval app configuration in order to not rely on internal program variables, but get values from personal variables (available in watch directly or in Suuntolink watch settings).Now, I use personal settings to define my interval session:
User Height for SERIE_COUNT: number of series
User Age for INTERVAL_COUNT: number of runs (intervals)
User Max HR for INTERVAL_FAST: Distance / Duration of Interval Run phase
User Rest HR for INTERVAL_SLOW: Distance / Duration of Interval Recovery phase
User Weight for INTERSERIE_DURATION: duration of recovery between 2 series
User Activity class for PHASE_UNIT: this variable is an important one as it define the unit used for intervalAll explanations and details are in the following updated package (Suunto apps sources + documentation)
Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
So now, I am facing a last problem to be able to use this configuration. Those updated Suunto apps are now published as “public” but Suuntolink needs to be updated to include them in a next release.
@SuuntoTeam who visit this topic, please, (I promise this is my very last request regarding Suunto apps), could you please transmit this last request?
I would really appreciate and I thank you in advance.
Maybe a last refresh of available public suunto apps from movescount will be done soon to include latest published ones?I really hope it will be possible so it could give a last chance to keep using my apps and use my watch for interval training.
I have spent a lot of hours to create those Suunto apps which allow Ambit/Traverse user to use Interval training and configure interval session according to their needs.
Suunto doesn’t provide any alternative to create / edit Suunto apps. I loose important data every time I have an interval session since log data are no more sync since Suuntolink replaced Movescount.
It would be a great satisfaction for me to still be able to use apps (even without logs).Thanks again for help.
Edit 20211231: final update to improve variable computing (Due to complex computing, give more time for CPU to calculate interval specs)
@sebchastang not sure anything can be done, but maybe @pavel-samokha can ask this to Suunto.
I use an app for rowing on my Ambit, it displays the pace in time/500m. This is the standard in rowing, I use it at least once a week.
@isazi Hi,
I have been in touch with Suunto support:
-1st agent didn’t know about “Movescount Suunto apps” and was always confusing with Suunto mobile app (SA)
-2nd agent knew about “Suunto apps” but told me it is no more supported in Suuntolink.@pavel-samokha It seems you are probably the one who can help by sending feedback to Suunto directly:
_ a final refresh of Suunto apps list available in Suuntolink
_ 5 sport modes limit for Traverse owners.Thanks again for your help
@sebchastang I transmitted your feedback, that’s all I can say
@sebchastang said in Ambit Apps showdown!:
Now, I use personal settings to define my interval session
Somehow missed it before, but this must be one of the best Ambit app hacks ever
@pavel-samokha :
Please let them know that we shall at least to be able to add our own apps in the list of apps available in suunto link… with a possibility to edit those (I can’t imagine that my INTERVAL sport mode is frozen to 3x8x30"/30" forever !) -
…I’m not sure if it helps when you drop posts about your frustration in several threads… we all knew that some restrictions for Ambit were coming when Suunto announced the shutdown of Movescount over 2 years ago. For my impression Suunto gave Ambit users the chance to still use the Ambits with reasonable function.
The Ambit apps were very unique for Suunto and I think no other brand had ever offered something similar. -
@titus_fromnewtown While I understand your frustration, I want to clarify a couple of things.
This is a community forum, not official channel to contact Suunto. If you want to contact the company you shall do that via contacts.
I’m trying to help here, but that’s not my job. I’m not making any decisions. And I’m quite limited on what I can comment. When I think that I can comment - I do that.
There is no intention to deprive you of any function of your watch. I believe every single person inside Suunto would be happy if you could use your Ambits functions the best way. But implementing that requires a lot of resources and time. The tremendous amount of work was done to implement Ambits support in Suunto App and SuuntoLink.
Disclaimer: Everything said is my personal opinion. It can be wrong.
@freeheeler said in Ambit Apps showdown!:
we all knew that some restrictions for Ambit were coming when Suunto announced the shutdown of Movescount over 2 years ago. For my impression Suunto gave Ambit users the chance to still use the Ambits with reasonable function.
Are you sure you know what’s that current fuzz is about? Latest Suuntolink still allows to use apps, but only those that weren’t private few months before details about Suuntolink4 + apps were released to public, once the knowledge was out it was too late to change those privacy settings. And up to that date it made perfect sense to keep apps private as public ones are locked for editing.
Another story is about private accounts - those can’t change app privacy settings from private anyway before turning whole account into public. -
@pavel-samokha, thanks for the reply, and for the relay if you do so
Also, sorry for the way I expressed my frustration. I did’nt know this is not a Suunto official forum…Anyway, my personnal opinion remains that shutting down a functionnality of the watch is a regression, almost a programed obsolescence.
And I believe that providing an app editor to the users would have been an easy task for Suunto. But well… -
FYI : I wrote the following to suunto.
Hi… I cannot find anywhere else to ask this question : I’m an Ambit 3 user. With the latest releast of SuuntoLink IO lost the ability to update/edit/modify my private apps… which I’m extremely disapointed.
Could you PLEASE upvote to your development TEAMS that we need a solution to be able to keep use our PRIVATE apps ?
At least, provide us a COMPILER so we can edit the binaries of our apps, and add them in the .json file that is easily accessible in the SuuntoLinck package (i’m under Mac OS X).
Please keep me informed. -
So far, no answer from Suunto…
Let’s wait a bit, but the more I’m thinking about the topic, the more I’m convinced that it is an easy task for suunto to provide us the compiler (which IS available, as it was necessarily incorporated somewhere between movescount/moveslink/suuntolink), and to write a light “procedure” to explain us how to add to the JSON file our own private Ambit/Traverse apps.This way, those of us who are expert enough in programing would retrieve this essential Ambit/Travers function.
F freeheeler referenced this topic on
@titus_fromnewtown I wonder have you played with simple editing of the json file, to see how Suunto Link likes it and to know that the apps are self contained there? I’m interested at looking at this myself.
Also, being late to the party maybe someone could enlighten me and summarise the distinction between “Private” and “Public” apps, and why this is a factor for Suunto Link.
Hello Folks,
Is it still possible to create apps for an Ambit 3 Peak? -
@wakarimasen said in Ambit Apps showdown!:
Hello Folks,
Is it still possible to create apps for an Ambit 3 Peak?By saying “no” I’d be lying, but …
- you are not supposed to
- to sync those directly to your watch you would need an older Suuntolink v3.x (v 4 does not connect to Movescount)
- after 10th of January (closing date for Movescount) you can only use latest Suuntolink and apps that are loaded into watch can be used as long as you don’t delete those (well… kind of) and number of active apps in the watch is limited; to be able to use your own apps after that date you would need to find a way to export those from Movescount and import into Suuntolink.
So is it possible? Sure -
Is it worth it? If one needs to ask then probably not, for me it was quite fun procrastination project -
@margusl said in Ambit Apps showdown!:
Crap - my ambit is in the post… and I already update Suuntolink to version 4.05 on my MAC
@wakarimasen , doesn’t matter in a long run. With old Suuntolink testing out apps and app changes on your watch would be faster, now you just have to trust the emulator built into Movescount app editor.
( though you can get one older from waybackmachine, not sure if its too old or if you can extract & run it on mac without messing up your current Suuntolink installation, I personally would not try to install it, just extract and find executable -*/ )