How to sync uploaded .fit activity (done via fitnesssyncer) from Suunto App back to watch so that App and Watch show the same data?
This is a slightly weird one - how do you get the watch (in this case a PP9) to suck in activities from the app that the app has (via fitnesssyncer) which the watch doesn’t - so the data on watch and app are consistent? Normal sync doesn’t seem to oblige?
Is this one about Sport Tracker or Suunto App ? -
Please is to contact us directly (FitnessSyncer). What we do with Suunto is take the raw .FIT file that comes from the device and depending on the service, will send that unchanged. People typically talking about data not matching are things that different services calculate differently — .FIT records it as it really happened, but various services will massage the data to correct GPS errors or smooth metrics out, which can result in the data looking slightly different. Most differences are from this and are typically minor.
But as I said, ping us directly at FitnessSyncer and I can better assist. Thanks.
@Mff73 Thanks for that. Perhaps Suunto will at some point make that an option - it would seem to be a relatively straight-forward thing to do - given that with many sync services, you can decide which device holds the master record.
@etheriau - thanks - I am using fitnesssyncer without any issue. The issue is with the Suunto App and syncing imported activities from fitnesssyncer back to the watch. Thanks for the reply tho!
@etheriau - thanks - I am using fitnesssyncer without any issue. The issue is with the Suunto App and syncing imported activities from fitnesssyncer back to the watch. Thanks for the reply tho!
S sartoric moved this topic from Sports Tracker on
@Le-Scruf your training metrics do sync back to the watch including TSS, CTL and ATL but logbook items steps, calories are watch-specific and will summarize in the app. This prevents duplicates on watches as some use multiple watches or devices. This is unlikely to change.