Does anyone actually use the scroll on the crown?
Yes, use it all the time. It’s fast and I like the fact that I don‘t have fingerprints all over my screen.
Nope, rarely ever. Faster to just swipe the screen.
I use the crown most of the time. Touch leaves fingerprints
I do not. I’m one of the 10% or so who is left handed, so the watch is on my right wrist. I’d need to be able to flip the watch upside down to be able to rotate the crown with my left hand index finger and thumb. I can sort of do it with my left thumb but it’s pretty awkward.
how fascinating to see the variety of answers
Maybe I’ll use the crown more when I’m wearing gloves in winter. It is harder to use when the watch is on your right wrist though.
I notice I swipe to scroll, press the crown to select rather than tap the screen, and mostly swipe to go back rather than use the bottom button.
@olson917 said in Does anyone actually use the scroll on the crown?:
I do not. I’m one of the 10% or so who is left handed, so the watch is on my right wrist. I’d need to be able to flip the watch upside down to be able to rotate the crown with my left hand index finger and thumb. I can sort of do it with my left thumb but it’s pretty awkward.
I’m in the lefty 10%, wearing it on my right wrist, and I roll the wheel like a fiend. That said, it is easier on my left wrist, but needs must.
I’m right-handed but wear my watches on the right wrist. I navigate with thumb and crown, and hardly ever swipe the screen.
@Alejandro Now I’m just really curious how you managed to take that photo
I have visions of you holding your phone in your teeth…
I also use the crown more frequently than swiping the screen, it’s faster and more efficient (requires less finger movements)
@far-blue A marvelous little tripod (and my tongue).
I almost exclusively use crown and buttons on my Race. It’s much nore convenient plus I don’t have fingerprints on the screen.
I never use the touchscreen. Using the crown feels so satisfying.
I use it for short/small scrolls, map zoom and choosing activity.
Since i have vibration on, it gets a bit over stimulating to feel a vibration when flicking through each menu with the crown scolling haha.
I wished /If there was an option to disable scroll vibration I’d use the crown so much more.