Way to manually add TSS?
Is there a way to manually add a TSS when you manually add an activity so that it is incorporated into your training summary?
Based on some old posts, it seems the answer is no, but I was wondering if this changed.
@Greennorth yes you can. When you add an activity manually in the Suunto app, TSS is one of the fields that you can edit manually
@flo7z Thanks, but I don’t seem to see the TSS option in the fields (there are other things like distance, average heart rate etc). I checked a few different activity types including cycling and running. Does anyone else have this problem?
I use IOS. My Suunto app version is 2.41.0 if that makes a difference.
@Greennorth you need to click on « tss calculation method » to have the options, including « manual tss »
@Tieutieu Thanks, but I don’t seem to have this option. Below is a screenshot of all the metrics available for a manually entered running activity for example:
@Greennorth that’s strange, I have it with any sport
I have version 4.107.2 on Android.
Are you using the " add manual activity option"?
@Greennorth Ok sorry I misunderstood and though you wanted to change TSS manually on a recorded activity.
I just checked : indeed you can’t add TSS when you register manually a whole activity, on IOs a least.
@Tieutieu Okay - thanks for clarifying!