Connect Movescount with Suunto Sports Tracker to upload all workouts issue.
I have a problem with linking my Movescount account with Sports-Tracker/Suunto App acount. But from the begining.
I didn’t noticed that when connecting movcescount with sports tracker all of my past moves will be sent to sports-tracker/suunto app. So i used sync my tracks app to get those moves then connected two apps and realized tha i have a lot of duplicates. There is no easy option to delete all activities just to resync them again by connecting movescount and sports tracker again. So i unlink connection beetwen MS and ST then asked sport-tracker support to delete my account. After successfuly deletion of my old account i’ve recreated it with same email, went to account link my accounts but now i\m getting an arror that login and password don\t match any of sports tracker account. What might be a problem? I would prefered to upload my old moves these way because i realized that moves synced with sync my tracks had weired errors (like for examle max speed on my bicycle - 600km/h
Any sugestions?
If you can wait a while, in one of the next release of SA you should be able to import all your MC activities directly.As far as I remember, it was suggested not to use Sport tracker to sync old moves.
@sartoric Ok thats cool for me. I can wait offcourse