Using Stryd as power pod AND foot pod (inconsistent pace info on SA, PowerCenter and Strava)
@Joe-Hui Unless you set the Strava activity to “Race” the pace data will be coming from Strava’s algorithm that attempts to show moving time vs actual time. Set the activity to race and see how the numbers compare.
@Joe-Hui Strava does a lot of filtering as well, it is not useful for metrics…it is a social site.
Thanks. The remaining question is then why the lap summary in Suunto App can’t show the correct pace info. It looks like it gets the pace info from GPS instead of Stryd.
I had another run with the same setting today. And I am quite sure this is a bug of the Suunto App. While the watch can pickup pace info from Stryd (display when running, and lap summary after running), lap summary after running in Sunnto App uses the pace from GPS.
Is this a known issue? The attached screenshots are from my last run.
@Joe-Hui Good find. I will check to see if this occurs on iOS as well. This needs fixing. @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
@Brad_Olwin thanks a lot!
sA issue . We are working on laps
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos yes please…
Will Intervals be considered as laps? -
@suzzlo yes. Its a big feature coming