Important news concerning our digital services
Of course I read your responses above (given cca 14 days ago), I just have a feeling that Suunto had enough time to evaluate this discussion. Just my opinion. However, thanks for answer.
@estevez Oh, thats not the time frame Suunto is working in!
But you can be sure, if there are any news regarding this or other issues, you be the first to know here!
I own a Suunto 9 Baro.
Until recently I’ve been able to updload my moves to Movescount using Moveslink.
I use also Suunto App and have all my moves syncronized on my Android phone.
Today I tried to connect via Moveslink but was unable to get my Baro detected (tried also several times after rebooting).
I connected with Suuntolink and It was detected and got the confirmation that the software is up to date and GPS optimised but Movescount didn’t started even if the switch is “on” in “Settings - Open Movescount after Moves are transferred”. In fact I didn’t even notice that the Moves had been transferred.Can you hep me?
If you’ve already used SA routes sync or sport mode customization, Suuntolink will not sync anymore and it will be used only for FW upgrade.Moveslink can’t be used with Spartan
@sartoric sorry, did not see your answer…
I am also a happy Ambit 2 owner. I always thought that I would upgrade to a Spartan or a 9 when the time came but these news from Suunto really have me thinking twice.
I am sorry, I really like Suunto watches but if they ‘disable’ the older watches they will surely lose happy customers that choose Suunto for the quality and reliability.
I know 2020 is next year but even if I wanted to get a new Suunto right now I would most likely have to sell the Ambit 2 to partially fund the new watch. Now you cannot sell a watch that is possible to be useless in a year! No one would want it and I personally would not sell it to someone unaware of these news.
So I think the minimum Suunto should do is at least provide all the basic functionality for the non Bluetooth watches. I know that you need Bluetooth for Suunto App but from what I read online, Sports Tracker is the desktop/browser version of Suunto App.
They should/could modify moveslink/suuntolink so that Ambits can sync online with Sports Tracker / Suunto App and then add options within Sports Tracker for watch customization (device settings actually) which will then be synced back. Also sync and add missing features to Sports Tracker (POIs etc)
That way everyone would be happy to be a Suunto customer, feel looked after and surely buy their new watch from Suunto again. I know I would.
Let’s hope they’ll respect the so far happy customers (who are the best advertisement in my opinion)
Now if they change scope and hardware quality due to the recent acquisition as mentioned above, we will just have to look elsewhere, end of story.
Chris. -
Hey guys, been keeping an eye on this whole thing. Any official response or anything from Suunto yet?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Important news concerning our digital services:
@estevez I am official Suunto when replying to you in most cases and there is nothing to communicate at the moment.
Take a moment to read a bit higher my response.
Nothing to add except another Ambit3 customer watching this transition closely. You had me as a captive customer; but now I’ll look for a replacement watch from another company.
This looks to be taught as a case study in MBA programs on how to infuriate loyal customer.
TL/DR: I rely on a desktop interface. -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I certainly hope that you guys at Suunto figured out by now that web app and support for watches without Bluetooth is inevitable - unless you want to deteriorate the brand’s reputation. I think the transition concept is a bit flawed. It would be much easier for you to first build a web app and then proceed with mobile apps which require much more thought. Good route planning software on 5-inch screen? Sounds complicated! I wrote a blog post pointing out potential problems with the transition: Maybe Suunto can get some ideas out of it.
Best regards
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos it all sounds very nice, but it doesn’t seem to create any reaction from Suunto top management.
Eventually the critics will die out cos they gave up, which I’m also about to. I seriously miss a proper response to why suunto wants to dump loyal customers that have old models, that like the suunto 9 was built to last and thus still does!
My X10 still works it is more than 10 years old!!Commenting on errors in Suunto App creates nothing but a nice response, no actions, at least not visibly!! Seriously does suunto really think this is the way go?
The app has plenty errors! The algoritme that smoothen the data being one, comparing routes that are like apple and banana’s, endless sync times…As I said I miss the response from those that makes the decisions, not you guys that always gives nice and polite responses!
Best regards
Anders -
@Sredna said in Important news concerning our digital services:
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos it all sounds very nice, but it doesn’t seem to create any reaction from Suunto top management.
Eventually the critics will die out cos they gave up, which I’m also about to. I seriously miss a proper response to why suunto wants to dump loyal customers that have old models, that like the suunto 9 was built to last and thus still does!
My X10 still works it is more than 10 years old!!Commenting on errors in Suunto App creates nothing but a nice response, no actions, at least not visibly!! Seriously does suunto really think this is the way go?
The app has plenty errors! The algoritme that smoothen the data being one, comparing routes that are like apple and banana’s, endless sync times…As I said I miss the response from those that makes the decisions, not you guys that always gives nice and polite responses!
Best regards
AndersThis exactly…
@BlazBlaz you do not have to draw the route. GPX import works and you can draw on your favorite web app, mine is GAIA. Seriously, perhaps you should read posts or search before making inaccurate statements.
@Brad_Olwin what inaccurate statement exactly did I make? I never said that you won’t be able to import GPX tracks. Sure, there are workarounds. However, I find it a bit silly that I have to use third-party software to plan routes. After all I bought the watch from Suunto and it sure as hell wasn’t inexpensive. So, I expect that I also get access to decent software. Is relying on third-party software really the way to go for Suunto? Sounds like a bad business idea - I mean they have no control over this software whatsoever. Not to mention how confused new users will be…
@Brad_Olwin quite inaccurate your statement sir. Gpx import work in the app but do NOT sync with ambit 3. Let say it work with some watches looks more accurate indeed.
@Sredna I am giving the response from the ones that take decisions.
I found this, given that I was reading about the new (mobile) app.
I wonder, for those of using a (both perfectly functioning) Ambit2 AND Ambit3, what the path forward is?Regardless of how that might work, I’m also a HUGE fan of reviewing moves on a PC, with a big, 4K screen, being able to peruse a “move” readily, the map as an overview, plan a move, etc.
I’m a cyclist and skier (I have one watch in each gear bag), and I just don’t see much “skiing” support in the 3rd party apps. It exists, in a couple, but not fully-featured, more of an afterthought type of feature.
Given that my Ambit2 is my “ski watch”, I’m looking at this whole thread/mess, with some serious concern.
I had the battery replaced last year, so it’s probably going to run another 4-5 years of ski-seasons (unless I can’t sync it, I guess).I get that they haven’t “pushed the button”, but it sure sounds as if that’s the plan.
I do plan on looking for a newer cycling watch, sometime soon, but this has given me fair pause, in terms of considering Suunto. -
Re: Important news concerning our digital services
Hmm, now I have a 2nd question, from when I was reading this, a bit more thoroughly.It states that in the process of “Transfer”, that:
The data transfer does not include:
…Suunto Apps for your watch created by the Movescount communityDoes this mean there will be no “apps” support, what-so-ever (effectively nullifying the primary use of one of my Ambits)?
Or does it mean we can move code over, and, that there will be an interface to create our own (not ideal, but probably do-able)?
Are all customizations going to be limited to trying to flip/select/whatever, a bunch of fields, on a tiny mobile screen, or will there be a PC interface?I did try to search on these, both the “apps” and the “PC” topics, but to no avail; searching inside the “Suunto App Support” section, or generically, from a few search engines (using various search syntax modifiers), I had zero luck, finding much of anything (other than the above page, which just says that support won’t be “transferred”).
I’m starting to really, really wish I’d never found this thread (or chosen to read more about the “cloud data direction” overall).
It’s starting to feel like the functionality is “going backwards” of sorts. I’m with the folks that think Suunto should be addressing this stuff, given they’ve said they’re more or less discontinuing it.
They also shouldn’t be replacing batteries in watches they’re planning into obsolescence, if that’s really the case here (no MovesCount going forward, or other mechanism for the Ambit2, for example). -
@pgrey My impression is that Suunto has no desire to support apps going forward, but hopefully I am wrong. Apps aren’t supported in any recent watches starting from Spartan so I really doubt that Suunto will add apps support to SA just for Ambit3. There are many other more important features that are still missing.