How to disabled whatsapp notification on the watch
How to disabled whatsapp notification on the watch.
In SA it’s all notifications or no notifications at all.
Android version. -
You can mute particular users/groups on whatsapp, so they are not showing on your Suunto watch
Also depends on iOS or Android. For iOS you manage natively the notifications by its notification center. On Android not possible as @Yannis-Belouris said.
It was possible on the Movescount Android App, why not implement it into SA?
@fejker noone says no
Its all about priorities.
Yes, but the way you wrote it one would think this is a limitation of Android and not the app itself which you control.
@fejker My bad. I meant that currently for a new SA user it looks that on Android he can do x with the notifs while on IOS he can do y.
you are correct. Sorry for the confusion