Big step back for Sailors
@Zeilschool Thank you for drawing attention to this. As a runner, and I’m sure I can speak for a lot people on this forum and a big chunk of the app’s userbase, I never in a million years would have ever thought of this on my own as a missing feature, but it is and it’s clearly a huge one.
If Suuntos are to remain true multisport watches, the supporting software needs to fully support all of those sports. It’s in the sort of niche activities where there aren’t as many participants and where most users (and developers) likely aren’t even aware of what the specific different needs might be because they have no direct experience with them where this is really going to either succeed or fail.
Whenever the rest of us see something like this pointed out on the forum, we need to upvote the heck out of it even though it’s an issue that may not affect how we use our own watches instead.
What are you using iOS or Android?
@ianshowalter said in Big step back for Sailors:
Whenever the rest of us see something like this pointed out on the forum, we need to upvote the heck out of it even though it’s an issue that may not affect how we use our own watches instead.
Voted from a non sailer
you convinced me.
@Zeilschool I am also a sailor and have been using my Traverse Alpha and recently Suunto 9. My main activities are sailing and rely on it for tracking my short and long passages. It really makes no sense why in SA it is not displayed in nautical metrics. I see the same issue running on android with most updated version SA. With Suunto 9 (in watch) it displays kn and nm. I noticed it on SA first when syncing my traverse alpha, and just thought it was a bug considering my Traverse was running MC sailing apps, but when I switched to Suunto 9, same issue. Defiantly MC web still provides the correct stats and still generally satisfied with it. Please fix, having proper sailing stats is important for sailors.
Also I am unable to have a Barometer profile anymore for sailing activities. no need for altimeter in sailing. To be able to view a Baro graph is nice to have during a sail.
I have used Suunto for sailing for many crazy ocean crossings and all have survived the brutal conditions where many other have failed. Tho I am a purest sailor, my Suunto has been my last resort in some occasions and got me out of a jam at 1000 nm out at sea. So speaking for other waterman to Suunto, please don’t forget about us that live on the water and take your products to the next level.
I support there is relative big room for improvements in the area of Natical Distance and Nautical Speed:
Sportmodes: There are only very limited Natical parameters, e.g. Nautical Distance, Speed, Avg Speed: Most of the others, Disstance, Interval and Speed parameters are essentail to have as well in Nautical.SA: As pointed out in other threads, the SA does not show the Speed and Distance in knots and Nautic miles even it is selected on the waict (Spartan Ultra). Using Android. I’m proposing SA follows the sportsmode configuration or SA can be configured to show nautical distance and speed.
@Clausam I agree! FYI SA does show NM and Knots in sailing moves now after update. Tho more nautical metrics are needed. Especially considering there are plenty of other watersports offered besides just sailing so it’s not a minor necessity.
@Zeilschool there should be an update coming out that fixes it but its stalled on IOS.
On android this should be fixed as metioned
About Moves, maybe you could ping service to check if they can detect sailing and use proper units in their videos. Because Suunto App can by synced with Relive service
After the latest update 1.12.1(7602) the Nautical Miles has gone back to Kilometres, the frustrating part is the speed is still measured in Knots (good) but having the two metrics like this makes each one useless.
Also On the Ambit 3 I could add the compass screen to any sport mode, this was great for sailing as a quick reference when sorting the rigging out on deck, not having the option as a standard screen on the spartan, suunto9 range has been a big miss.compared to the ambit3 peak my suunto9 baro has been disappointing, so many features lost and zero communications from suunto where the software development path is heading, and how they intend on catering for the different communities that use their products, lots of “no thats not in our plan” and zero “heres whats coming or planned”