S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?
@fejker said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
I have read this many times in your posts and am interested at how exactly this works? I have always thought interval workout should be dictated by the device and not the other way around. Am I wrong?
I think what @Brad_Olwin means is that you have a lap button to mark your interval/structured workout periods. You are right though by assuming it falls onto you to execute workout from memory and watch the timer/distance to vary your intensity and/or exercises.
Can we do better? Perhaps. Should we do better? Maybe. That’s the purpose of the list above. I didn’t include structured workouts there even though it sounds like a WearOS smartwatch should have no problem importing stuff from Training Peaks or Final Surge. I kind of feel while S7 would be ideal target for implementing these, I don’t see this happening before the rest of the list is implemented.
@NickK I know what Brad meant, I have known him for a long time now (on the different forum as well).
As for structured intervals, I wouldn’t hold my breath. People have been complaining for over two years and nothing changed. Hell, we haven’t even gotten rid of some basic data display bugs regarding asc. and dsc. and ski distance and … I won’t go on as there is no point in whining and derailing this thread. Just proving my point that there is no point in making lists like these because Suunto has already made their list of things and the slow rollout timetable - been there, done that. -
@fejker said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
Just proving my point that there is no point in making lists like these because Suunto has already made their list of things
And yet, here we are with VO2 Max on S9. Make a list, make it known, be loud. Not single voice loud. Not dozen voices. But more like a hundred. We won’t get everything we ask for, but we may get some. If I can get external heart rate, intervals, and targets I’ll be already covering a good 50% of workouts I do with S7 alone. Suddenly this becomes a completely different value proposition, even at $499.
@NickK add power meters, customisable sport mode screens and battery life for at least 15h of real GPS use with navigation (lots of hiking here) and that will be a fair price. That last one with the battery life is a tough one tho.
@fejker said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
battery life for at least 15h of real GPS use with navigation
That’s what your 3300-based S7 from 2021 holiday season is for. But for it to exist, Suunto needs to get some economy of scale and opportunity cost out of the 3100 here and now.
@NickK yeah, by that time I and many others will be long gone from the Suunto ecosystem in search for their dream device.
@Brad_Olwin I have now had the S7 for a couple of week and have done various activities and whilst the OHR is good for running - it does not perform well with weight training. So I think 1 is essential really to ensure all sports are covered. By buying an expensive watch - you should not need to install another app necessarily - it should be available in the same ecosystem from Sunnto. I think Polar do a good job here and Sunnto should look at the bar being set elsewhere. For me 5. 10. are also items that I would expect for a competitive offering.
@fejker said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
@NickK add power meters, customisable sport mode screens and battery life for at least 15h of real GPS use with navigation (lots of hiking here) and that will be a fair price. That last one with the battery life is a tough one tho.
I think it fair to compare the S7 with AW. The S7 has better exercise options than AW IMHO but 15h of GPS for smartwatch is unlikely to happen even in 2021. Although the S7 states 12h GPS that is under the best of circumstances. I think biking can come close to that.
@Brad_Olwin Yes, but… AW has HR support baked in, which makes strength training and many forms of exercise not suitable for OHR, perfectly possible. No third party apps needed. No add-on purchases of $2.99 BLE packages either.
Same goes for footpods. I’m quite impressed with S7 outdoor accuracy, but when I tried to run on treadmill, I had to stop after 2 miles. It was way behind both treadmill reported distance and Stryd-connected Suunto 9, with pace a good minute and a half per mile slower.
Then there’s an issue of perception. AW is hugely successful not because of its sports features but almost despite their shortcomings. Wear OS doesn’t get the benefit of the same well established platform and apps. Runkeeper dropped their app. So did Adidas. Endomondo and Strava haven’t updated in years. Anyone looking for apps can see general stagnation and lack of new development.
For S7 to succeed, it has to overcome the current anemic state of Wear OS. And to do so, it has to really, truly nail one aspect of watch use. Seeing Suunto is a sports company, I’d say it would be natural to assume we are talking sports…
@NickK I have an AW4 and the S7 and tested both side by side for some time. My thoughts:
AW HR is good but I have had better results with S7. I have had AW lose HR
Agreed with apps, the Stryd app for AW can download structured workouts from TP! Wear OS needs to up the game seriously
The GPS battery life on AW and S7 are about dead even for me, I can get 7-10h of trail running on both if I limit the function to tracking my runs.
I am an iOS user so as a smartwatch there is no comparison.
Sports on S7 hands down better than AW4, there really is no comparison, that includes maps, recording, etc.
The display, hard to believe but S7 is better than AW or equivalent, as AW is smaller.
Would love to see them both live for comparison, sounds really interesting.
@Brad_Olwin said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
@NickK I have an AW4 and the S7 and tested both side by side for some time. My thoughts:
AW HR is good but I have had better results with S7. I have had AW lose HR
Agreed with apps, the Stryd app for AW can download structured workouts from TP! Wear OS needs to up the game seriously
The GPS battery life on AW and S7 are about dead even for me, I can get 7-10h of trail running on both if I limit the function to tracking my runs.
I am an iOS user so as a smartwatch there is no comparison.
Sports on S7 hands down better than AW4, there really is no comparison, that includes maps, recording, etc.
The display, hard to believe but S7 is better than AW or equivalent, as AW is smaller.
@NickK It’s a good list of improvements that are needed in a sportwatch like S7. I switched from Fenix 5 to S7 just a few days ago, but some features not already present in S7 should become a standard for Suunto watches. The major I miss are customizable trainings with interval training, for which I would like to have the possibility to create them in the app (setting different distances and recovery time) and then send to the watch; the other is the count reps in the weightlifting training with the load for each exercise. Without this last feature the watch records only the heart rate…and what about the recovery time between each sets? I don’t understand why Suunto is still missing the basics, despite the watch has great potentialities!
@Manuel-Silvestri said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
the other is the count reps in the weightlifting training with the load for each exercise. Without this last feature the watch records only the heart rate…and what about the recovery time between each sets?
Interesting. I think you are the first person for whom Garmin’s rep count works
I tried it multiple times, across different watches, and it always ended up being more of a miss than a hit to me. Keeping track of work vs rest though was cool. Unfortunately, I doubt we gonna see anything like this in Suunto universe. Maybe some dev would build an app for Wear OS to do something like that.
@Brad_Olwin said in S7 roadmap: what are Suunto plans here?:
the Stryd app for AW can download structured workouts from TP!
I reached out to the guy who built Sporty Go app to ask if he would consider adding intervals support. He was non-committed but did mention he was looking into using more Training Peaks data, which to me suggests TP structured workouts.
@jthomi I can do that but the ones I have are with old firmware for S7, the GPS tracks have improved quite a bit. I will do a couple of new comparisons too. PM me if you want a link to QS, below are a couple of screenshots for longer runs. I sure like the smartwatch features of the AW but the S7 is on my wrist more.
This was a 41 km run with no pauses. The pauses for AW4 HR are clear.
I dream reading all of you with your S7s, waiting to … buy one or the next one.
Btw, what is Kyoto on your graph ? The S7 nickname ? -
@Mff73 yes the early name for it. Good question about purchase. If you have the disposable $ it is a nice watch. Are you Android or iOS?
I am android (with rooted phones), and when I see some wear OS master here, playing with many tweak, i bite myself not to buy it.
I bought Ambit1 (it is still alive, but soon after, A2 and A3 came).
I bought SSU at launch (it is still running with me), but no more updates, and , and S9 came.
And now, S7, with wear OS. I will try to let this one and see next one (maybe when new battery techno will arrive). -
@NickK never worked for me. Or better, it’s hit or miss, and in one hour strength session is right a few times. And most of the times it just says 0 reps.
@Mff73 I too are wishing I’d bought an S7 but waiting for the follow on for the S9.