Software update 2.11.38 for S5/S9
Ho Dimitrios,
I’m very confused by the new GPS menu in S9. Why do I have to use QZSS in Europe, isn’t it a waste of battery life?
Can you write a small guide on which satellite combination do you reccomend to use? -
As far as I remember someone already did a sort of combos test.
Try to search for it. -
@General_Witt QZSS can be seen in EU on some occasions. It’s on by default this system as it only adds available satelites since it’s compatible with the GPS. Think about it like GPS+ that works mainly in Japan/Australia but from time to time 1-2 sats can be seen from here.
Now on top of that you can select for BEIDOU, Glonass, Galileo to add to the pool of satelites the watch will be using.
Depending on the SNR and V/HError the watch will pick the best satelites to use that will ensure a great GNSS accuracy.
Update went well, but I encountered an old problem: default snowboarding profile is corrupt again after the firmware update.Recreating it solved the problem.
…still no such simple thing like a manual lockbutton… -
@surfboomerang that is correct. This version that you got has the fix for future updates. Aka wont happen again.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Anything on HR front? I think HR performance in late 2018-early 2019 was better than with the last several firmware versions from mid-2019 and on. Kind of want to go for a run and leave OH1 at home to keep my borgness down to a manageable level.
@TELE-HO Unfortunately not
I really have no clue why some (imo) simple features are not implemented.Are they harder to implement then I think? Or does Suunto have other priorities…?
@NickK not yet. I wish yes but not sure. I am peronally pushing for this.
Not trying to mud the waters here , but a lot of my trainings in SA are OHR based. I use the velcro / nylon and have solved “most” of my problems.
Historical note:
We had a great OHR FW that consumed ~10% battery more (or even more) on FT channel.
I would not mind for that
I did some simple programming during a further education and my opinion is: no, it should not be hard to implement.It is really annoying when the watch gets unlocked by a button press or gets the mad cow disease with water drops… I once ended up in DND and only noticed by coincidence. I’ve made my point many many times about simple stuff that would make S9 a very great watch but I will not continue and I will stop repeating myself over and over again. Suunto knows the weaknesses and my assumption is that S9 is the test environment for another, better watch, together with all the suggestions a lot of great people in here mentioned. maybe an S11 or however you’ll call it will have a simple thing like a lock button… like any other watch does have.
@TELE-HO I am using Spartan, Suunto many, many times fail me… also, in my opinion, they don’t have QA process at all. All tests are made by developers on desk nothing more. Why do I think that? it’s pretty simple when software getting so simple bugs it obvious that no one test that. Scend is I would not count that you will get your update soon or ever… look on Spartan line and read some comments about issues, bugs, and feature updates…
yes, I assume you’re right. The disappointment of Spartan users proofs that all improvements are taken onto a new watch generation. An already sold watch does not print any money -
@TELE-HO What do you mean?
I can’t recall details, but I could search for them… I just remember people asking for improvements and further updates on Spartans that were buggish from early days and then came S9 and Spartan users are jealous about stuff that’s improving on S9 (that was not there from the beginning in S9 either but is there now) and so on…
I mean, we are not asking for rocket science, we are asking for slightely more customization of the menu and button behaviour… or at least a lockbutton.About testing, I can not judge. I know that there are testers and I know that mistakes happen during development that you can’t discover sometimes even with 4 eyes principle.
It’s nice that GPS is being further improved though. I can imagine that’s very close to rocket science! But why not such simple things like customized buttons? Every swimmer, surfer and general watersports athlete would appreciate that… and people that wear the watch casually together with gloves.
@TELE-HO yeah but those are only assumptions right ?
What defines what is easy to implement ?
And if yes (being easy) why not?
Like there is a person that says:
- According to the guys on the web and our customer feedback, it’s easy to implement x.
- But we looked to it and they were right and we decided to not do it, just to irritate them.
Get my point here ?
hmm… no? not no because I don’t want to, honest no. -
@TELE-HO I dont get it, what’s wrong ?
I mean you are the best example yourself, right?
there’s QS and people ask for this and that to improve QS, to have more values to have a map, to have a connection between graph and track, to stack graphs, to do anything that people have in mind and you just do it… there’s even crop AND merge in QS.And Suunto is not able to setup button customization and a lockbutton?
@TELE-HO yeah ok in this sense I get it. I really really get it
However, even this change, since its not well requested, is not made (at least with this FW).
That said we are in some hard time’s that “things are cut off”.
Don’t get me wrong. I am speaking very very very friendly tone wise. It does take a good effort to sync settings over watch/web now-a-days that things need to be HW wise tested (aka machines doing what people would press on a watch).
I just wanted to share the above publicly and to you only for helping. I am not debating
Please people take it easy.