Software update 2.12.30 Staged Release for S3/S5/S9
I noticed one thing: the ghost notifications are gone, at least today, all were cleared as expected…anyone catches that as well?
I tried this new suunto plus climb. Watch created new additional laps, I do not understand . In yellow are not my laps but laps created by climb. Is there any detailed manuals and information about this functionality?
Yes! Tested it and indeed no ghost notifications for now -
@zvonejan SuuntoPlus Climb will add laps for ~10m of climbing up so if you climb 10m then level or down when you climb another 10 will lap again. If climb is sustained only one lap. If you have auto laps set you will get laps from Climb and Autolaps. This is the same for Loop and Sprint, both will lap when you Loop or when your Sprint hits a Pace/Power increase after a 15 min warmup.
This is not autolaps but manual laps, but is is not important. Can you explain for example 8 lap.with 3 m descent only. Best thing should be to turn off manual laps and autolaps to see, how suunto will create laps
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Software update 2.12.30 Staged Release for S3/S5/S9:
This update brings new features, quality enhancements as well as some bug fixes
- Compass can be selected during sport mode from Navigation (s9 only)
How? Can’t find it in the navigation screen during an activity. I do have the options POI, Route, Bearing and Breadcrumb, but no Compass
@surfboomerang I ll check. Maybe I did a mistake on copy.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos better to have a solution before cold arrives for @TELE-HO
May I ask the same for my personal obsession with POIs?In my case, the starting of the gloves season is not a problem
@zvonejan your laps look ok.
About lap 8 its the lap containing the info until your next climb
+++ Sprint Running Pace SuuntoPlus add-on (auto-intervals) +++
First thoughts (+)
- Pratical
- Logical
- useful
4.summary is very useful after each split
- Warm-up is predefined with 10 min?
Limitations (-)
1.For works better stryd is a must because it’s more responsive to fast move and slow move. GNSS presents a delay, what is normal.
2. Would be better to save this add-on or another as predefined.Veredict:
Very satisfied! -
@Luís-Pinto Warmup is predefined at 10 min but prior to 10 min you can start SuuntoPlus Sprint with lap button. If after 15 min it will record the 1st lap with incorrect data but then once you start sprinting it should be fine. On flat ground pace works well, if on hills Stryd is a better choice.
Dear all, S9 user manual with new features.
Suunto_9_UserGuide_EN.pdf -
@Brad_Olwin Thanks for info!
@surfboomerang If you try “Bearing” while in navigation, does the blue arrow come with a compass bearing in degrees (& north indicator)?
It does but I thought it would be a separate display -
It does but I thought it would be a separate display
A reasonable interpretation of the blurb. Interestingly staged (possible) functionality:
- Compass
- Bearing Lock
- Temporary POI/GoTo
I gather you get to 3 by adding distance and, if you’ve got it, destination altitude. Can you enter bearing and destination altitude alone?
@Luís-Pinto Thanks!
I just read this part in the Suunto+ Weather description:
Barometric trend and storm alarm
The barometric trend is shown on the bottom of the screen, with current barometric value.
The Suunto storm alarm will be given automatically and shown in this view. A storm symbol is
shown if the pressure drops 4 hPa (0.12 inHg) or more during a 3-hour period.Does this imply that the storm alarm, already available, in the watch doesn’t work during an activity without this screen?
I did receive storm alerts in watch mode but never during an activity. Always thought the pressure drop wasn’t big enough. -
one small design flaw…The yellow sunrise/set icon on the Suunto+ weather page is unreadable against a light background. Dark theme works ok.
Also the outdoor watch face shows a black ring for night part, but when the watch is in lock mode, the night part colors bright. Is this by design?
@surfboomerang said in Software update 2.12.30 Staged Release for S3/S5/S9:
Does this imply that the storm alarm, already available, in the watch doesn’t work during an activity without this screen?
It should work. I got a notification while recording an activity.
@surfboomerang I made a bug for this about 1,5 weeks ago. Didn’t make it in