Problems with Resources and other
@egika thank you so much for your answer!
I’m afraid that increasing the accuracy of Resource readings will not affect the fact that they are simply reset after recording my workout ))
I have already read on the forum about counting steps. I thought it was a bug, but this is the norm and no one is going to fix it. I don’t understand how can make a watch of this level that considers steps worse than cheap Chinese activity trackers.
I use the wrist heart rate monitor correctly. The hours are delayed, everything is fine with the body temperature. There are no tattoos, I even shave the hair on my arm under the watch. At rest, they measure normally, the slightest movements and immediately inflated readings. Not always up to 170 bpm, of course, but it also happens. I do not draw conclusions after a week of use. I bought the watch in December 2021 And before that, I had experience using Garmin (2.5 years) and Apple Watch (1 year)
I’ll wait for the next update and if there are no bug fixes, then I’ll just buy another watch and definitely not Suunto. In general, I am disappointed with these watches. And I tolerate all this only because I really like the Suunto App.
just to keep expectations within reason: Suunto is constantly improving, as @Egika said. But chances are there that the issue you are facing might not be implemented in the next firmware. I moved from Garmin to Suunto, too and am happier with the support and improvements they provide. If I were you I would give them more chances and would not give up too soon -
@freeheeler it is very sad when the declared and necessary functions do not work. The Body Battery function was very important to me. I could use it to predict the disease in a few days and reduce the intensity of training in time.
I didn’t even consider buying a watch without such a function and believed that it would work exactly the same with Suunto (because both companies buy technology from Firstbeat)
And after the purchase, it turned out that it was actually not here. I just see a set of random data every day for which I have not been able to find an explanation for six months. I set different rest pulse settings, but Resources do not work.
As for waiting, I’ve been waiting for six months and only two updates have been released during this time. And they didn’t fix anything. It is not known when the next one will be released, and if it does not correct the situation, then how much longer to wait and not be able to use what I bought this product for at all? ))
Unfortunately, I am now in a place where I just physically can’t buy a new watch, but as soon as I get to the Garmin retailer, I will choose something from the Instinct 2 series.
@alexeg said in Problems with Resources and other:
Please help me understand what to do…
The “Resources” function does not work at all. For almost six months of using the watch, the function has never shown full energy. Every day, the “Resources” show 55-65% in the morning and by lunch it is already 0%. Starting a “Stretching” workout immediately leads to 0%, regardless of how much it was before. Restarting the watch or charging immediately resets the energy by 50%, regardless of how much it was before.
This function is important to me and I wouldn’t have bought this watch if it wasn’t in them initially and if I knew how it works here. Previously, I used a Garmin watch with a similar Body Battery function and everything worked flawlessly. Suunto has the same technology from Firstbeat, but it doesn’t work at all.
There are other problems:
steps are counted from each wave of the hand. Even if I’m sitting at the table and just raise my hand to look at the time.
the heart rate monitor can show 170 bpm when I just stand still with a real pulse of 55 bpm. Even simple walking without an external sensor cannot be recorded.
There is a question for experienced users: are problems with Suunto being fixed at all? Can I write somewhere for their developers to read and fix it in future updates? I have been using it for six months, during this time only two updates have been released and not a single problem has been solved. Does it make sense to wait for the problems to be fixed, or do you need to go back to Garmin and forget about Suunto as a nightmare?
P.S. There were problems with Garmin, too, but updates were released every few weeks and they were fixed.
Regarding steps, I suggest you read this post.
Resources, more people have the same issue, and has said it can be “fixed” by rest HR.
I have searched the forum briefly and found this post
not sure if anything was done on the FB side since or how Garmin is doing it differently.
Since you observe this issue for 6 months now, maybe it would have been good to give more feedback about it? It does not appear to me as if that many customers consider this a relevant issue and Suunto developers can only be aware if you give feedback -
@freeheeler said in Problems with Resources and other:
I have searched the forum briefly and found this post
not sure if anything was done on the FB side since or how Garmin is doing it differently.
Since you observe this issue for 6 months now, maybe it would have been good to give more feedback about it? It does not appear to me as if that many customers consider this a relevant issue and Suunto developers can only be aware if you give feedbackI experienced it when I had the S9P, and recently had a S5P and behaved the same. A workaround is explained in this post.
@freeheeler this issue was discussed on the S9P post from the beggining of the launch of the watch.
Although I am all into helping and sharing feedback, I don’t think the user needs to be reminding all the time a company that something needs fixing. Both valid for Suunto, Garmin, whoever.
Expectations vary from users to users, some will say it is an important feature others don’t care at all. And as said million times, resources are limited, so I believe suunto “measured” and understood that fixing this is not as important as other features/fixes…
On my side, I think it is a pity, it is annoying, but I am one customer amongst others, and maybe I am not the “target customer”.
@alexeg regarding your HR values, I would send the watch to warranty, or at least try a reset. As others said the S9P is very accurate. -
@alexeg said in Problems with Resources and other:
@freeheeler it is very sad when the declared and necessary functions do not work. The Body Battery function was very important to me. I could use it to predict the disease in a few days and reduce the intensity of training in time.
I didn’t even consider buying a watch without such a function and believed that it would work exactly the same with Suunto (because both companies buy technology from Firstbeat)
And after the purchase, it turned out that it was actually not here. I just see a set of random data every day for which I have not been able to find an explanation for six months. I set different rest pulse settings, but Resources do not work.
As for waiting, I’ve been waiting for six months and only two updates have been released during this time. And they didn’t fix anything. It is not known when the next one will be released, and if it does not correct the situation, then how much longer to wait and not be able to use what I bought this product for at all? ))
Unfortunately, I am now in a place where I just physically can’t buy a new watch, but as soon as I get to the Garmin retailer, I will choose something from the Instinct 2 series.
There is nothing broken with the Suunto watch. I have a 9Peak and a Garmin Epix2. The body battery and Resources are very similar on both watches for me when I wear them both throughout an entire day and night. I find Resources are a bit more conservative for me than the Body Battery but they typically are not far off. Sleep detection with the Suunto seems better than the Garmin for me. I find highly unlikely that Body Battery can predict disease. In fact, the scientific articles on HRV measurements are quite conflicted on how useful these are for predicting performance. When you are sick but not before it will likely show up.
As far as OHR they work identically for me, I inserted a screen shot from both watches on OHR for a run below. OHR can be difficult to get to work properly, I typically have issues when exercising but never for all day use.
@brad_olwin said in Problems with Resources and other:
@alexeg said in Problems with Resources and other:
@freeheeler it is very sad when the declared and necessary functions do not work. The Body Battery function was very important to me. I could use it to predict the disease in a few days and reduce the intensity of training in time.
I didn’t even consider buying a watch without such a function and believed that it would work exactly the same with Suunto (because both companies buy technology from Firstbeat)
And after the purchase, it turned out that it was actually not here. I just see a set of random data every day for which I have not been able to find an explanation for six months. I set different rest pulse settings, but Resources do not work.
As for waiting, I’ve been waiting for six months and only two updates have been released during this time. And they didn’t fix anything. It is not known when the next one will be released, and if it does not correct the situation, then how much longer to wait and not be able to use what I bought this product for at all? ))
Unfortunately, I am now in a place where I just physically can’t buy a new watch, but as soon as I get to the Garmin retailer, I will choose something from the Instinct 2 series.
There is nothing broken with the Suunto watch. I have a 9Peak and a Garmin Epix2. The body battery and Resources are very similar on both watches for me when I wear them both throughout an entire day and night. I find Resources are a bit more conservative for me than the Body Battery but they typically are not far off. Sleep detection with the Suunto seems better than the Garmin for me. I find highly unlikely that Body Battery can predict disease. In fact, the scientific articles on HRV measurements are quite conflicted on how useful these are for predicting performance. When you are sick but not before it will likely show up.
As far as OHR they work identically for me, I inserted a screen shot from both watches on OHR for a run below. OHR can be difficult to get to work properly, I typically have issues when exercising but never for all day use.
Although your inputs are always based on data, working for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone, and on a watch, if it doesn’t work for a great part of users, then we may “say” it’s broken
The same way for me sleeping analysis on garmin works nice and other people say it’s shit
Hope Suunto finds what causes this behavior.
Thanks for sharing -
let’s assume Suunto is aware and let’s see if an improvement is coming.
but we all know, as you also said, resources are limited. -
@andré-faria My point exactly. I did not state it works for everyone. Neither did I state it was working for the OP. However just because a feature does not work for one person or a few does not mean the hardware is broken. Could it be improved? Yes. But neither the firmware nor hardware are broken.
@brad_olwin said in Problems with Resources and other:
There is nothing broken with the Suunto watch. I have a 9Peak and a Garmin Epix2. The body battery and Resources are very similar on both watches for me when I wear them both throughout an entire day and night. I find Resources are a bit more conservative for me than the Body Battery but they typically are not far off. Sleep detection with the Suunto seems better than the Garmin for me. I find highly unlikely that Body Battery can predict disease. In fact, the scientific articles on HRV measurements are quite conflicted on how useful these are for predicting performance. When you are sick but not before it will likely show up.
As far as OHR they work identically for me, I inserted a screen shot from both watches on OHR for a run below. OHR can be difficult to get to work properly, I typically have issues when exercising but never for all day use.
Here is OHR for both watches on a hard but short run.The problem is not only that Resources do not register stress so well. The problem is that workouts, charging and restarting the watch reset the readings either by 0% or by 50%.
A watch with this function can predict illness. The last case was in October 2021. I woke up in the morning and had to trekking 18 km. There was rain and wind, and Garmin showed that the Body Battery charge for the night was less than 30% and the resting pulse was 6-7 beats higher. I felt fine, but I didn’t take any chances and stayed in the camp. By lunchtime, the temperature rose, and in the end it turned out to be covid-19
But this was not the first time and not the only one case. It’s just that before that I was guided by my well-being, not by indications, and did intensive workouts, and then it turned out that it wasn’t worth it. That’s why the Resources function was important to me because its counterpart in Garmin really works.
@andré-faria said in Problems with Resources and other:
Although I am all into helping and sharing feedback, I don’t think the user needs to be reminding all the time a company that something needs fixing. Both valid for Suunto, Garmin, whoever.
You are right, buying such a watch, I want to use it, and not convince the manufacturer to fix what they indicate as a working function.
If Suunto initially consider it unimportant, then there is no need to add it to the watch, and I will be able to decide whether I need a watch without this function or not.
@brad_olwin I think I can say that hardware are broken )
This is a typical picture that I see every day
I understand your frustration if your expectations are not fulfilled.
Please don’t get it wrong when I comment that a sports watch is not a medical device and for the foreseeable future might most likely not be.
Not only because of responsibilities, but also because the values are very depending on the watch setup (that might also change over time) and on the wearing style.your first screenshot looks like the watch couldn’t either detect any resources (how is the HR graph looking during that time?) or as if it was on the charger or at least not on your wrist.
The second screenshot looks like a drop during and after an activity before noon and a bad recovery detection also maybe because of a loose wearing style? -
@freeheeler I’m wearing the watch right ) They are tightened tightly and even the hair on the arm under watch is shaved. I have a lot of experience using sports watches.
On the first graph, the watch showed something (it doesn’t seem to be true), and then after charging it began to show 50%. It always happens this way - charging always resets the graph by 50%.
The second schedule drops to zero after a light workout. This does not always happen, workouts affects him randomly. Everything except Stretching. Starting a workout Stretching even for one second resets Resources to 0%.
Therefore, there is no difference what the rest pulse settings are and how accurate the measurements are, if they are reset every day by 50% or by 0%.
yes, after charging it sets to 50%, I understand this as a compromise as the watch does not know what you did meanwhile.
any activity setting to 0% is a bit too much, I agree. I did some cycling before and my resources are at 36% after that.
If you feel that your watch is broken, I would get in touch with support and ask about their opinion. -
@alexeg Please post the HR and Activities for the same time periods. We should be able to help.
Mine for yesterday. I did not wear the watch at night. First drop was exercise with high HR. Second was family emergency, HR not high but bad stress.
@alexeg said in Problems with Resources and other:
@freeheeler I’m wearing the watch right ) They are tightened tightly and even the hair on the arm under watch is shaved. I have a lot of experience using sports watches.
On the first graph, the watch showed something (it doesn’t seem to be true), and then after charging it began to show 50%. It always happens this way - charging always resets the graph by 50%.
The second schedule drops to zero after a light workout. This does not always happen, workouts affects him randomly. Everything except Stretching. Starting a workout Stretching even for one second resets Resources to 0%.
Therefore, there is no difference what the rest pulse settings are and how accurate the measurements are, if they are reset every day by 50% or by 0%.
The watch automatically reverts to 50% after a charge. For exercise your max and min are not set correctly and that is why resources are dropping. How have you determined max and min?
@brad_olwin, the settings have nothing to do with it. If turning on the Stretching workout for one second resets Resources from 60% (for example) to 0%, then it is obvious that this is a bug, and not the settings incorrectly set.
And it’s the same with charging. Whether the Resources are at least 5%, at least 60% - I connected the wire for a second and the Resources shows 50% -
@alexeg said in Problems with Resources and other:
then it is obvious that this is a bug,
I guess you should contact support, if you’re already sure about it.