solar charging
I guess the big drawback is the useful surface of the solar panel. Each m2 of a conventional solar panels have a power around 250w which, extrapolating to our Vertical, would be about 0.25w at full sun.
As a general rule, USB chargers usually have an output voltage of 5V. So, for example, a charger that is capable of supplying 1.5 A (amps) at 5V (volts) will have a power about of 7.5 W (watts).
Solar charger does not more than a little help to extend the life of the battery;) -
@valdis830 as the watch has a super high battery efficiency, luckly not so much energy is needed.
The solar option in Suunto Vertical will increase the battery time during activity significantly (in the range of +30%)!
This is leading the competition of comparable watches and really makes a difference.Even if on a 2A power supply, the charging circuit of the watch will reduce the charging current to what is healthy for the battery. It will not reach 7.5W
Is it known what the bars on the widget graph mean? And how to interpret them when they are “full” of light?
Today, I went on holidays by car… the sun was shining on my left wrist about 4 or 5 hours… solar charging increased the battery from 78% to 80%… i could see a little effectiveness of solar charging!
I noticed all these days that the scale of the solar display is changing… when I go into the sun in the morning, the stripe of of display increases, and if the sun is strong, the stripe is ‚full‘… but after some more 10min periods, the scale changes and the stripes don‘t reach the max anymore… in the evening, when the sun goes down, it goes backwards and the scale is like in the morning. Regarding to this, it is not possible to reach a ‚full‘ max solar stripe at noon… who can explain? How can I increase solar charging when sittung in the full sun at noon?
Only one minute later…
@Tieutieu modern cars often have athermic window treatments in order not to become too much of a hot oven in the summer. I guess what does not warm your car is also what you would need to charge your battery through the solar panel…
@SuperFlo75 Just noticed the same thing. I had my first full solar bar, but the next minute the scale had changed
. What’s going on?
@BrunoH I noticed this behaviour if the watch collects a lot of sun in 10 minutes.
For example, if your watch collects enough sun for almost a full bar it will show this. If the next 10 minutes it collects even more because you intentionally point it towards the sun, the old bar is cut in half.I suspect that the graph scale changes when the solar charge was near or over 100% for 10 minutes.
This was the previous post
@surfboomerang said in solar charging:Is the some kind of scale on the solar history bars?
I noticed today that 2 10min bars were almost full. Once a third appeared, with a slightly higher value than the previous ones, the previous two changed to half full.
@surfboomerang the solar charging is very fast if there is sun i several tmes reset the watch before i noticed no charge percentage after resetting the watch the charging is very fast
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I’m trying to understand why two suunto verticl at the same point show a different level of solar charging, one very weak and the other a full circle
@Danny-poleg Screen protector on one of them?
@Anton-Vanderpoel said in solar charging:
@surfboomerang the solar charging is very fast if there is sun i several tmes reset the watch before i noticed no charge percentage after resetting the watch the charging is very fast
Is there any truth in this? I don’t know if Anton is referring to soft reset or factory reset, but is there a possibility that solar charging might become more effective after wipeout?
@SuperFlo75 I have the same and it looks very strange. Especially when you leave the watch in the sun for an hour and the straps don’t even get halfway up.
What are your experiences with charging? I never bumped up the battery more than 1% even when I left the watch in full sunlight for several hours. Not counting when the battery was almost full, then it charged to 100%, but this is probably a known bug so I don’t count that -
@aroo7 I reached some times 2% more battery over the day with solar charging, but this was in the time of my holiday with taking a sun bath for all the day… now with working and sports after 5pm solar charging is as expected not good.
It depends of the direction of the sun… doing sports in full sun is not so effective as taking a sunbath and taking care of the right direction -
@SuperFlo75 said in solar charging:
doing sports in full sun is not so effective as taking a sunbath
I can tell you that windsurfing comes really close
@inkognito no
@aroo7 said in solar charging:
您在充电方面有哪些经验?即使我将手表放在阳光充足的地方几个小时,我的电池电量也从未超过 1%。不Put the watch in a glass filled with water and bask in the sun, perfect!
hello, I have a problem with solar charging, if I expose the screen directly to the sun (with full sun and 26 degrees outside) it reaches only 2/3 rings of solar energy, never full. Sometimes, if I cover the screen for a second and then re-expose it to the sun, it has all the energy rings but a few seconds after that it goes down to two again. Can someone help me? Should I send him for assistance? Thank you
Did you try a soft reset ?I usually get “maximum” charging level, if the sun straight hit the watch (almost perpendicular, not inclined) but be careful to not overheat the watch leaving it on direct sun for too much time.
@sartoric I tried the soft reset and bring it back to the factory settings… nothing maximum two circles. The suunto assistance tells me that it takes from 12 to 24 hours after the soft reset to resume the solar panel ( ??? !!!)