Hide activities of other followers in timeline
I tried to search the forum but couldn’t find anything related.
Q: Is it possible to hide activities of other followers from my home page? I remember it used to be possible, but I cannot figure out how. Or am I wrong?
Nope, you can’t … as long as you follow someone -
You can hide your activities only…but I’m with you : I’d like to hide activities from some friends (one especially who is using garmin-strava and still sync with SA - he was an A3p user that couldn’t wait for the Vertical - but he has at least 4 times the same communtes per day and don’t hide them himself in SA - it’s a bit anoying !).
@sartoric that is why I will never follow @Stefan-Kersting. Having their activities in my SApp timeline would be sooooo frustrating.
@sartoric That’s a pity … can it be added as a feature request? I think it would make sense to have an option to enable/disable other’s activities in your home page.
@Tieutieu Yeah I can imagine. In my case when I do activities in a group I am not really interested to see them in my time line… it’s duplicated activities for me … but I am just nitpicking I guess
one work around could be: keep your SA clear from followers and do the “social stuff” in Strava? -
There are at least a couple of old requests about this
eg https://forum.suunto.com/topic/1925/make-leaderboard-and-other-social-stuff-optionalbut if you don’t want at all to see followed activities, why are you following ?
… I know, I know, in some cases you want
You dont see other followers activities at your feed. You only see from the people you follow.
So just unfollow those people. The follow feature works that way, to just saw you their activities in your feed.
@freeheeler Good idea, but I stopped using all social networks, including Strava.
@freeheeler Sometimes I don’t like something you like and vice versa, we’re all different
I guess I’ll have to live with it, but still think an option to disable it in the future would be nice
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Yes I know. But I personally do not like this, hence the question if I can disable it. Thanks anyway. I guess this post can be closed.
I have reduced it, too, to a reasonable minimum
I like to see what my Suunto and Strava friends are doing, because I find it inspiring. I don’t care about the “common” social media -
@tomasbartko the follow thing is just for that reason if you want to see someone’s stuff in your feed. The feed is a different area from your diary. Perhaps you meant to completely remove the feed and convert the diary to somewhat the looks of the feed?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I’ll give you an example: overall I like to see what others do, but sometimes when I’m particularly stressed and tired I like to decrease the information flow of daily life. Switching off activities of other people temporarily would be a welcome addition in my opinion.
or just don’t look into it?
or do you have notification enabled?
I have switched them off in general. I just see an icon, that’s it -
@freeheeler that‘s my approach too. Messages only for a few apps, mainly calendars and todos, for the rest the small red number is enough
@freeheeler I used to like too, but I’ve had health issues about a year ago and was not able to exercise at all (for a year… slowly coming back now). It started to be depressing to see how people are active on all the social networks, especially on Strava. So that’s why I’m not using it. I also liked to discover new routes and so on… That’s just my preference.
@freeheeler that’s what I’m doing. But having more customization is always a plus.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos well, you can view your activities in two places, in this “Home” (is this the Feed?) directory and in your Training directory.
I personally would like it better if all activities wouldn’t be combined in the Feed, but there would be a separate section where you can view other’s activities. Or an option to just hide them. Would be “cleaner” for me. But that would be too difficult to implement I guess.