Sensors full of Bubbles, Plastic peels off.
@AntoniusGaius I purchased a 9PP 2 weeks ago and for the first time last night, I was able to compare the watch OHR and fingertip pulse oximeter readings. They both were showing exactly the same.
@Outdoorsy That’s nice. I cant say that pulse oximeter is giving me correct readings. There is nothing to compare with for me.
As I wrote above, my second sensor was very good and all readings very acceptable. Actual one - terrible. If you will have correct readings and no defective coating you are lucky one and you have perfect sport watch. For my needs best on the market.
I’m not so lucky and I will have to choose something else. My trust and patience is over.
Have a good time outdoors with your SUUNTO. -
Mine was fixed in a few days.
I sent it on Tuesday and received it repaired on Friday.
Service in Prague.
Well done. -
@maszop service seems to be back to the old good days 🫶
@cjanevate said in Sensors full of Bubbles, Plastic peels off.:
how does one actually contact service? There is no email, no form and no option anymore in the suunto app. Chat on the website isnt available either, allthough they are stating: “We are available for your questions on the chat from Monday to Friday, from 5 PM AEST to 5 AM AEST.”
@Renzo-Karsdorp for the chat I got the issues of the bubble not appearing, Its when I’m using firefox, or with script/adblockers, but when I’m on edge no problem
@Renzo-Karsdorp if you need a online service request see here.
yep chat doesnotwork right now,do not know why(I am able to open a chat but then service doesn’t takes a while to get online) -
@cjanevate said in Sensors full of Bubbles, Plastic peels off.:
if you need a online service request see here.
perfect thanks…booked a return so lets see how we go.
cheers @Elipsus and @cjanevate -
R Reiner referenced this topic on
I sent back (for the second time) my 9 peak pro, this time I was very pleasantly surprised, the DHL dude came to pick up my watch at 2pm last Friday and I got it back this Tuesday at 9am (from France, to Prague, back to France), only 5 days including weekend and shipping, that’s just awesome ! Especially compared to the 3+ weeks it took last time !
Now fingers crossed and let’s hope that Suunto sorted this problem and I won’t have to sent it a third time -
well…repairs lasted 3 months, now I have submitted a new service request for the same problem.
@Renzo-Karsdorp oh that sucks
, for me it seems that the last repair (late june) is still holding up, the sensor is absolutely bubble less since 3 months
Last week I sent my peak 9 pro to Lubiana for assistance (covered by warranty).
I receive it back afert 7 working days, they chenged the watch cover but I losted my personalization.