BUG: Run prediction and lactate threshold missing
@Marius-Jacobsen-Eggerud i also have this issue on my 1 month old suunto vertical. After 1 month of using it without vo2max reading, i went back to my old suunto 9 baro. But sadly, even my suunto 9 baro dont give vo2max reading anymore. I dont know if suunto is aware of this bug. Its been affecting a lot of users
@David-l doe’s not help for me. I have done easy runs, long run’s and threshold runs but still no predictions.
@coyote28 i won’t wait anymore, i have sold my watch
FWIW, I always do a 20 min time trial of my threshold periodically while training and following an 80/20 program. I don’t really ever use what Garmin gives me either. Just used to training with 8020endurance and periodic time trials to adjust my LTHR, TP, and rFTP.
IMO this kind of information is a gadget but it’s quite annoying to see on the watch you have to run 3 times outdoor to get these informations and you don’t get it after 38 runs (all outdoor and all at least 50mn).
I got the predictions and lactate threshold today, all of a sudden! They have been missing for me since the november update.
@Iceman1 lucky you!
@Iceman1 How is that? What kind of run did you choose that it’s now there?
@RightNow My last run was a 7km easy run, nothing spectacular with that
. Dont know why that triggered it…
@Iceman1 Mine has come and gone about three times now, currently not there, even though I run 3 / 4 times a week.
@Mark-Hooper Funny that you wrote that. I had to check, and mine is also gone now after todays run…
@Iceman1 lucky you !
@freddubai 2 months later…at least 20 runs later…a 10km race, IM70.3 and 2 half-marathons included…still no run prediction or lactate threshold. My old 9PP which I gave to my daughter gave her the predictions and lactate threshold after a few runs…One soft reset about 3 weeks ago…still no luck…
@freddubai Same here
Yep, mine’s gone again…….
Mine seems to be gone for ever. The latest update killed this feature for me. Can only hope Suunto will make it work again in the next update.
What concerns me the most is that Suunto does not release a quick fix when they add an severe bug to their products in a software update. That is not a proper way to handle customers or to compete with other brands in the market.
And honestly it seems that a broader beta tester group is needed. Software with such serious faults should never had been released!
Idem, une vingtaine d’activités entre course a pied et trail pour une moyenne de 2h par activité et toujours pas de seuil lactique.
This has never really worked for me, done plenty of runs (>50)
I have run 12k last week for my long run, so I’d assume it should be able to give a prediction for at least 5 and 10k, and extrapolate HM and M times from them. -
i never got a value for lactate threshold and run prediction. after many runs, easy , moderate, long, short, fast. no values. i think in the next update they will address the topic