Update S5 Peak 2.19.44 ?
Update was supposed to start yesterday (2nd of February).
Have you tried to pair/unpair your watch?
Should be ok now ? Can you report guys ?
Mine is working now, updating via iOS SA.
@lexterm77 thanks man
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos does not work for me - neither on iOS or on Android. On iOS tapping the blue text just does nothing (text flashes, but nothing starts) on Android I still get the error message I’v posted as a pic in this thread.
Don’t know what I am doing wrong. You can’t update the S5PEak over cable?
Uninstalled Suunto App (and TestFlight) - restarted iPhone - installed Suunto App again - paired watch again - tried again, but still nothing happens when tapping on the blue text. No download starting. Any ideas what to do? Do I understand it right, that it first has to download to the app (and then it is transferred to the watch)?
@chrisa asked for help, looks like others are getting the update.
@isazi thanks
@chrisa do you have an iPad? Or try to Connect to the computer with Suuntolink.
@bulkan S5P has no cable connection
only OTA, like S9P -
@bulkan hi, tried that but nothing happens there…
@chrisa I think there are problems again. I’ve already successfully updated my S5 Peak. I could also check for updates after and it would say my watch is up to date. Now when I check it is saying failed to check for updates. This is on Android by the way.
@wiredonion can you try disabling and re-enabling the BT connection? This usually solves the issue that the watch is actually connected but SA update thinks it is not.
@wiredonion Hi, actually works for me too - downloading to the watch at the moment
- thanks to all for the help an support.
Maybe a hiccup with the update systems, lots of users updating in the past two weeks.
Have a nice weekend and enjoy your new watches!
I isazi moved this topic from Suunto 5 on