Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!
DNA - DailyNerdAlert hints at end of November
@Jonathan-C I don’t get the hint. Maybe because I can’t speak finnish?
Whatever, hope we’ll get the update the sooner. 4 month without news is much too long for us !
@Tieutieu all signs point to November.
@isazi said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
@Tieutieu all signs point to November.
so we need wait. i hope stepcounter will be fixed. a little bit
Happy november to all Suunto Vertical owners waiting for an update !!
@v-sacre I think suunto now is focusing on the Race and hoping we all buy the new kid in town.
I think it still will take some time before the new update will be released. Patience. It’s just a watch regarding all the great suffer in the world at the moment. -
@Philip WE wait since june to an update for the Vertical. They have not to focus on the Race
they damn should focus to update the Vertical bugs since June… Before working at new update for a brand new Watch … Which should work better but didnt IT…
As long as the vertical is supposed to get the same (or close) firmware than the race, I would more likely bet that they wait for the first RACE users feedbacks.
This way they could correct maybe few bugs on the Race and have a better vertical fw release ! -
@Tieutieu I prefer to receive an update with bug fixes earlier instead of waiting 5 months to have the fix bugs and *new features. Bug fixes are more important for me than new feature releases.
@tomasbartko Don’t forget that those writing in the forum are the ones having some issues. I have the Race for a week now and never had any issue, crash, wrong activity recording or wrong sleep or nap recognition. If you stay in this forum too much you’ll end up thinking no Suunto watch works at the moment.
@General_Witt To be fair I get the people who complain about the issues. I used to complain as well. The watch restarted itself during exercises, etc. And this is not what you expect when you buy an expensive sports watch. Luckily this got fixed with the first update and I am pretty happy how the watch works now, no issues whatsoever.
@General_Witt same here, works great for me too! The Race is an awesome watch, and I really like how Suunto realised the training guidance - together with Suunto coach in the app it’s delivering really useful data.
@tomasbartko said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
@Wilson75 @Tieutieu my Vertical is working just fine with no issues. I really hope, if there will be a new update, that they push just bugfixes first and new features after that. I think I would rather skip new features seeing the issues Race is having. I don’t want to break a working watch…
I also don’t have issues with my vertical (except the no map issue sometimes)
@Tieutieu I got my SV back after 3 weeks in Service (the second replacement unit) with the following feedback: the unit was inspected and no problem was found. The crashing you are experiencing are due to a known SW bug when using TrainingPeaks with Stryd Footpod. I had crashes without one of them (only TP without pod) but who am I do judge the circumstances.
It would’ve been nice since it was a known issue to be informed and not send the watch for 3 weeks though. So I am waiting patiently (~5 months) for the fix.
One other thing I had with the second unit is that it crashed out of activity after basically 10 mins i had the unit turned on and then the first activity had this terrible gps track until it crashed again (mid run). Sent it to service and now after I received the watch (it was not reset or anything) went for a short 5k without anything turned on basically and the gps track was teribble again (I had synced and checked the agps file and waited for 5 mins before run). It suddenly shifted the whole track 30 - 50 m mid run and then at some point it kinda stabilized. Compared to the FR965 (SatIQ on auto) it had 140m more on a 5k run.
Since I am not used to such bad tracks from the first SV unit I did hard reset and went to run again without anything connected or any S+ and the track at least was much better (only 10m more than the FR965) so it should be good. I will run a longer run today so wish me luck -
@EzioAuditore let’s hope the update will fix the issues you have !
(Indeed I’m not using stryd neither training peak so I don’t have this issue.)
For the gps distance, my SV is spot on, also when comparing to other Suunto watches or other brands -
@Tieutieu So the second (post reset) run was spot on. 10k and it went smooth. This time I had Suunto workout (intervals) and fat burn enabled and was navigating the screens to compare with the FR965. All in all very good (as were my initial impressions of the watch without the pod). I have noticed that there is a small discrepancy when taking turns (90 degrees) between the watches. But this has always been a problem for Garmin (albeit huge one in the F6x) where after a turn the watch struggles a bit to find the pace. Therefore 50m difference between the SV and the FR965 in 10k is quite good. And I am sure the SV is more precise (of course the FR is not best quality but SatIQ). All in all it was a nice tempo run
@isazi I just noticed… it‘s November
@SuperFlo75 said in Software Firmware Update Suunto Vertical?!:
@isazi I just noticed… it‘s November
It would be epic for the new update to arrive tomorrow. Remember, remember the 5th of November the gunpowder treason and plot…