Suunto intensity zones screen and new firmware release
Hello everyone,
It seems there is still the bug with the intensity screen zones. The second data field is stuck to time of day and it can’t be changed. I would like to be able to have pace or distance instead. Does anyone know if it will be fixed with the next firmware update?
Also, I would like to see more transparency on when the next firmware updates will be ready. It seems to me that as customers and buyers of Suunto products, we have the right to know when the next firmware updates will happen, if possible with a set calendar or at least the next firmware or the two next firmware updates and what it will bring. Garmin does a really good job at that and we know that each quarter we will have a firmware update. I think a lot of people would love to know that the next update will happen say in March or even early March for example.
And it would also be great for anyone to be able to join the beta firmware if they want to.
@geolerigolo said in Suunto intensity zones screen and new firmware release:
And it would also be great for anyone to be able to join the beta firmware if they want to.
what’s stopping you?
@geolerigolo said in Suunto intensity zones screen and new firmware release:
Hello everyone,
Also, I would like to see more transparency on when the next firmware updates will be ready. It seems to me that as customers and buyers of Suunto products, we have the right to know when the next firmware updates will happen, if possible with a set calendar or at least the next firmware or the two next firmware updates and what it will bring. Garmin does a really good job at that and we know that each quarter we will have a firmware update. I think a lot of people would love to know that the next update will happen say in March or even early March for example.
Regarding this one please read Q7 here:
@Egika Ok thanks I didn’t know. But even without being strict with a date, we could at least have a range of dates, for example between say March and May. I am not a developper but I think a range of dates could not be detrimental to Suunto and customers would have some more precision
@robis I’m new to Suunto, before I had the 9 peak for a while and then I bought the Race in November but I’m still new to Suunto and I don’t know how everything works
If you have a link where I can test the new beta firmware for the Race I would really appreciate it
@geolerigolo I am on iOS and if you are too, install Testflight from store and then SA beta… but right now I’ve realized you asked for the fw. sorry, forget what I’ve written.
@robis Yes I discovered that a few days ago and I am testing it. But forgive me if my English is not perfect, I’m not a native speaker. I was refering to the beta on the watch, not on the phone
Beta in watch are not public.
Suunto has a group of field testers that get weekly versions while testing proceeds.As this is a user forum no-one here knows when a release will be ready. I could not tell you even if i wanted. But between March and May seems to be a solid bet!
Should we open a new thread, in addition to “March is coming” and “June is coming”, which may be named : “March, April and May are coming” ?
🥳 (smiley meaning it is a joke ) -
@Egika Thanks I did not know that. I have also seen that some of the members on the forum have the beta but have a contract to not say anything. So I still think giving a period of time like 2-3 months would be the happy medium, letting time for the developers to work freely and the customers having some information
Bonjour j’ai vue une nouvelle version bêta sur iOS quelle un sais les évolutions de cette version